Keyword: Faculty of Medicine

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Innovations and Entrepreneurship

The University of Turku is a multidisciplinary university that offers excellent conditions for ground-breaking interdisciplinary research and making the results available for the benefit of society.

Studying at the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty provides multidisciplinary research-based degree education in four different degree programmes leading to a Licentiate of Medicine or Dentistry, a Master of Health Sciences and Master of Science. The Faculty also has four Master’s degree tracks taught in English. Approximately 300 lower and higher academic degrees are completed at the Faculty each year.

Research at the Faculty of Medicine

Our strengths lie in translational research. Clinical and basic research are seamlessly combined bringing new results from research laboratories and clinical studies to the patient treatment.

Applying for the Title of Docent at the Faculty of Medicine

The University may award the title of docent (dosentti in Finnish) to a person who has comprehensive knowledge of their own field, a capacity for independent research or artistic work demonstrated through publication or some other manner, and good teaching skills.

Secretin Hormone Secreted in Intestines Activates Brown Fat


Researchers at the University of Turku's PET Centre and the Technical University of Munich have collaboratively demonstrated a new manner of activating brown fat and producing a sense of fullness. The results have been published in the esteemed journal Cell.

Brown fat consumes energy, reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol and improves the body’s sugar levels. Stock photo.