Mikko Pohjola Aistikattilassa

Business Collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Medicine is a part of the unique health innovation ecosystem in Turku, which brings together four higher educational institutions, hospital district and approximately 100 bio and pharma companies. 

The Faculty collaborates with the surrounding companies in research and innovation activities and also plans and executes the educational programmes together to increase the job competitiveness of the faculty graduates.

Novel forms for business collaboration are actively searched and the Faculty supports possibilities for company representatives and academics to meet.

University of Turku has framework collaboration agreements with three international pharmaceutical companies, MSD, Roche and Bayer. The Faculty of Medicine also collaborates with private health care companies Mehiläinen and Terveystalo. 

Take a closer look at our services

Anssi Linnankivi
Our partnership with the University of Turku and Turku University Hospital creates excellent opportunities for collaboration, advancing research, and improving patient care overall.
Anssi Linnankivi
Medical Director, Roche Oy