Keyword: Faculty of Medicine

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

Clear! – Doctors and Nurses Train Together in New Simulation Facility


Finland’s high quality healthcare is ensured by training qualified experts in medicine and nursing sciences. In the new clinical skills teaching facilities of the University of Turku, future doctors and nurses can simulate working in multiprofessional groups, using various practical skills. While the patient in the room happens to be a dummy, the simulation creates real learning experiences.

Thesis Process in the Faculty of Medicine

The thesis (dissertation) process administration is handled in UGIS-portal which also contains instructions. The two electronic forms used in the process can be found on the UGIS-portal. On this page you can find the templates for the attachments related to the forms. Also other general instructions for the thesis process and the guidelines and forms for the experts are found here.

Developing Expertise

The University of Turku is a is a top-ranked multidisciplinary university with eight faculties. We offer companies and organisations a wide selection of courses for personnel development and training.

Collaboration Platforms

The multidisciplinary University of Turku has several interdisciplinary collaboration platforms whose purpose is to bring together different disciplines and representatives of companies and business life under various themes and perspectives.

Office for Academic and Student Affairs – Faculty of Medicine

Faculty's Office for Academic and Student Affairs helps applicants, students and personnel with different matters concerning studies and studying.

The office's service desk is open from Monday to Thursday at 12–14. Outside the opening hours you can contact us by phone or e-mail, or you can book an appointment.