
We offer pedagogical training tailored to the needs of the teaching and guidance staff of the Faculty of Medicine, as well as shorter training events.

We also offer elective courses for undergraduate students in the form of the Medical Pedagogy Pathway, Becoming a specialist doctor and the Study Skills online course.

Pedagogical studies for faculty staff

Medical pedagogy (10 ECTS)

The course corresponds to the 10-credit course offered in the Unit for University Pedagogy and gives the right to continue university pedagogy studies (University Pedagogy 2).

Content. The course consists of six seminar days and related assignments, a learning diary and a project on the development of teaching, supported by small group meetings. The common theme of the different contents of the training is the introduction to student-centred forms of teaching and assessment and their application in teaching.

The topics of the seminars:

  • Teaching and learning concepts in medicine
  • Linear teaching and feedback
  • The university and the group as a learning environment
  • Activating teaching methods
  • Expertise and guidance
  • Presentation of teaching development projects and course decision

Target group: teachers and tutors of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Turku

Contact: Julia Kuitunen (contact information below)



Pedagogy basics (2 ECTS) - online course

Course content: this intensive online course introduces basic pedagogical concepts and lesson planning. The aim of the course is to develop participants' teaching and guidance skills and to reform teaching practices. The online Moodle course facilitates participation, for example for teachers in decentralised locations. The online course includes UNIPS expert lectures, independent tasks and group discussions.

The course consists of two broad themes:
Theme 1. Teaching in the medical faculty / Teaching
Theme 2. Planning of teaching

Course description in study guide.

Target group: doctors, dentists, other teachers, and associate professors involved in the teaching of medicine and dentistry at the University of Turku, as well as doctoral students.

Contact: Krista Urmas (contact information below)

Other training

Zoom Café

Zoom Café is the Medical Faculty's virtual, informal, low-threshold meeting place, open every Friday on Zoom at 2pm only half an hour at a time. 

Every time we introduce a different topic / theme related to teaching or learning, share good practices or present a new tool for teaching. Zoom Café's target group is the teaching and guidance staff of the faculty.

Participation link can be found on MediOpe intranet-pages or in weekly advertisements sent to the faculty staff by email.

Teaching development afternoons

MediOpe also develops teaching and supports the work of teachers through seminars / training afternoons, which are organised regularly during the semester. The programme is always structured around a specific theme concerning teaching or learning.

More information on MediOpe unit's intranet pages.

Elective studies for students

Medical pedagogy elective path (20 ECTS)

Interested in teaching?


Each year, a small number of medical and dental students are selected for the 20-credit optional pedagogy pathway (LPOP / HLPOP). This course will give you an insight into teaching and learning and the factors involved. You will also develop teaching and guidance skills that are important in the work of doctors and dentists.


Content of the course: Medical pedagogy course (10 ECTS), that is performed with teachers. In addition pedagogy course also includes a development project. Also 10 ECTS of peer teaching and supervision. The course starts in the autumn with the pedagogy course.

Target group: 4th and 5th year medical licenciate students and 4th year dental licenciate students

More information in study guide

Study skills (2 ECTS)

Course content: The course introduces the different study and learning skills required in university studies and medical education. The course will cover a wide range of learning theory and provide tips to support and develop practical learning.

Target group: Undergraduate students of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Turku.

More information in study guide

Becoming a specialist doctor (1 ECTS)

The purpose of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to explore different medical specialties and gain an understanding of daily life in those fields.