Keyword: Institute of Biomedicine

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Second Nordic Conference on Personalized Medicine


14.6.2023 at 8.00 - 16.6.2023 at 13.15
The Finnish Society of Clinical Pharmacology arranges the second Nordic Conference on Personalized Medicine (NORPM2023) in Turku, Finland, from 14th to 16th June 2023. This three-day conference will bring together outstanding Nordic and international scientists to promote research and implementation...

Research Project on the Development of Human Immune System in Early Life Obtains Multimillion Funding


The first few months and years of life are crucial to the development of the human immune system. This is an important phase as the immune system can define which diseases individuals might develop later in life. INITIALISE, a joint research project of ten universities, will study which environmental factors and mechanisms modify the human immune system in early life and whether targeted interventions could have a positive impact. The project obtained nearly seven million in funding from Horizon Europe. 

Creating New Digital Solutions to Help Online Teaching based on Visual Material


The University of Turku, the University of Münster and the University Medical Center Utrecht are developing new solutions for online teaching based on visual material. During the EU-sponsored project, which will run until 2023, new digital tools coupled with innovative pedagogical scenarios will be tested in the teaching of pathology. At the University of Turku, there are researchers from the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Medicine involved in the project.

31st BioCity Symposium 25-26 August 2022


This year BioCity Symposium is arranged on-site in Mauno Conference Centre, BioCity, together with InFLAMES Research Flagship 25–26 August 2022, with the title Solution is in Immunity. Registration is now open until 11 August 2022.