Keyword: research funding

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STIMULUS project develops novel imaging technology for early cardiovascular disease detection


The STIMULUS project consortium is developing new tools to assess adverse changes in microcirculatory status associated with hypertension, chronic kidney disease and heart failure, leading to earlier detection of cardiovascular diseases. STIMULUS is funded by the EIC Pathfinder, a Horizon Europe funding scheme that supports research teams to develop the scientific basis for breakthrough technologies.

Johanna Ivaska and Lauri Nummenmaa receive €2.5 million in EU funding for cancer research and research in negative emotions


University of Turku Professors Johanna Ivaska and Lauri Nummenmaa have received significant research funding from the European Research Council ERC. Ivaska received funding for a project that aims to discover how the biological limits of a healthy body influence cancer progression. Nummenmaa’s project examines the link between a person’s negative emotions and their physical well-being.

InFLAMES Flagship granted continued funding – first instalment €6.5 million


The joint InFlames Research Flagship of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University received €6.5 million in continued funding from the Research Council of Finland for 2024–2026. It is the first instalment of the continued funding as the Research Council has announced that it is prepared to fund the Flagship with altogether €10.4 million by summer 2028.

Research Council of Finland grants nearly 2 million for the University of Turku research infrastructures


The Finnish Research Infrastructure Committee at the Research Council of Finland has decided on more than 29 million euros in funding for the building and upgrading of national and international research infrastructures. The University of Turku is involved in five of the funded research infrastructures.