Docent, Department of Nursing Science
PhD (Health sciences), Professor, Health Pedagogy
New Nurse Educator is an European level research and development project 2020-2023: https://new-nurse-educator.utu.fi/
Areas of expertise
Research in Pedagogic health care and nursing education
competence of nursing students, competence of health care educators
teacher education and training and social media in health care education.
New Nurse Educator is an European level research and development project 2020-2023: https://new-nurse-educator.utu.fi/
New Nurse Educator is an European level research and development project 2020-2023: https://new-nurse-educator.utu.fi/
I am professor at the Department of nursing science and responsible of nurse and health care teacher education. My main research areas are the competence of nurse teachers and the learning outcomes of health care education. I am also interested in how different generations experience the society and how they think about teaching and learning.
Pedagogic and didactic solutions in nursing science, research methods, teacher training, social media in education and digital learning environments in Bachelor and Masters level of Nursing science. Doctoral courses (Nurse education research) and supervising the doctoral dissertation
Good interaction skills are not enough – competency in mental health issues in child health clinics and school health services (2021)
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )
Development and testing of the Educators' Professional Development scale (EduProDe) for the assessment of social and health care educators' continuing professional development (2021)
Nurse Education Today
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The development and testing of the C/WoundComp instrument for assessing chronic wound-care competence in student nurses and podiatrists (2021)
International Wound Journal
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Slovenian nursing students’ competence in research utilization, and the support they received during clinical practice (2021)
Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery
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Valmiuksien ja vaatimusten ristiriita - terveydenhoitajien kokemuksia tutkintoonsa sisältyneistä mielenterveysopinnoista (2021)
Tutkiva Hoitotyö
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )
The competence of nurse educators and graduating nurse students (2021)
Nurse Education Today
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3D technologies to support teaching and learning in health care education – scoping review (2021)
International Journal of Educational Research
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Social, health care and rehabilitation educators' competence in professional education-Empirical testing of a model (2021)
Health and Social Care in the Community
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Final clinical practicum shapes the transition experience and occupational commitment of newly graduated nurses in Europe—A longitudinal study (2021)
Journal of Advanced Nursing
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Clinical Learning Environment and its Association with Graduating Nursing Students’ Competence: A Multi-Country Study (2021)
Nursing and Health Sciences
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