Docent, Turku School of Economics
Postdoctoral researcher
Marketing, Human-Computer Interaction, Technology
Areas of expertise
Digital marketing
I'm interested in personas, online platforms, digital marketing, and technology startups. Always open for collaboration. Contact:
Personas and Analytics: A Comparative User Study of Efficiency and Effectiveness for a User Identification Task (2020)
ACM SIGCHI annual conference on human factors in computing systems
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))
The effect of experience on persona perceptions (Extended Abstract) (2020)
ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
(O2 Muu julkaisu )
From flat file to interface: Synthesis of personas and analytics for enhanced user understanding (2020)
Proceedings- Association for Information Science and Technology
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))
Persona Perception Scale: Development and Exploratory Validation of an Instrument for Evaluating Individuals' Perceptions of Personas (2020)
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))
Developing Prototype Player Personas from Game Preferences (Presentation at the ACM Woodstock conference (WOODSTOCK’18)) (2020)
ACM Woodstock conference
(O2 Muu julkaisu )
The Effect of Numerical and Textual Information on Visual Engagement and Perceptions of AI-Driven Persona Interfaces (2020)
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))
Rethinking personas for fairness: Algorithmic transparency and accountability in data-driven personas (2020)
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))
"Her Name Was Chloe and She Delivers Stuff to Your Room" (2020)
Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))
Are These Comments Triggering? Predicting Triggers of Toxicity in Online Discussions (2020)
International World Wide Web Conference
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))
Developing an online hate classifier for multiple social media platforms (2020)
Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )