Keyword: Press release

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ERC Advanced Grant to Professor Christina Salmivalli for Research on Persistent Bullying Cases


Professor Salmivalli has received a research grant from the European Research Council ERC. The ERC Advanced Grant is the largest personal research grant available in Europe.

The five-year ERC Advanced Grants are given to established, leading principal investigators who have a track-record of significant research achievements. The ERC Advanced Grants are one of the most competed funding in Europe.

Preterm Babies Are More Likely to Be Diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder


Premature birth, low birth weight, and neonatal intensive care are associated with the risk of being diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder (RAD) showed a study by the Research Centre for Child Psychiatry of the University of Turku, Finland. Reactive attachment disorder causes problems in emotional bonding, social interaction, and expression of emotions, and it can lead to severe and expensive consequences later in life.

Dragonflies Are Efficient Predators that Consume Hundreds of Thousands of Insects in a Small Area


A study led by the University of Turku has found that small, fiercely predatory damselflies catch and eat hundreds of thousands of insects during a single summer – in an area surrounding just a single pond. In terms of weight, this equates to a total prey mass of just under a kilo. Dragonflies mostly catch different kinds of midges, but also large numbers of other insects.