Keyword: Faculty of Social Sciences

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22 New Researchers to Turku Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Turku


Having recruited 22 new researchers, the Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) strengthens its position as an international unit of high-quality and innovative research in the humanities and social sciences. The three-year research positions of the multidisciplinary research collegium are extremely popular, something which is apparent considering the number of the applications: almost 700 applications from 78 different countries. TIAS is a joint enterprise between the Faculties of Social Sciences, Humanities, Education and Law and Turku School of Economics.


Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research (3-4 yrs)

Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research aims to promote high quality clinical research and supports doctoral training in clinical medicine and other closely related research areas. One important goal

Sweeter Dreams in a Peaceful Mind


A new study by researchers from the University of Turku, Finland and the University of Skövde, Sweden shows that people with more peace of mind in the waking state have more positive dreams, whereas those with more anxiety in the waking state have more negative dreams. This means that dream experiences, as revealed in recalled and reported dreams, may reflect a person’s mental health.

Student Collaboration at University of Turku

Do you need a fixed-term project worker? Looking for an intern? There are 20,000 students in the eight faculties of the University of Turku. Put their skills to use and offer an important contact to working life!