Keyword: Faculty of Humanities

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

Advisory Board of the Faculty of Humanities

The purpose of the Advisory Board is to act as a cooperation body between the Faculty and its key stakeholders, and to promote the development of the Faculty's research, education, and societal interaction.

Faculty Council of the Faculty of Humanities

The Faculty Council has a number of tasks. Among these are: development of teaching and research, preparation of the budget and strategy proposals as well as outlining the overall distribution of resources, accepting the teaching curricula, doctoral dissertations, and preparation of a proposal regarding the number of new students and their selection criteria.

About the Faculty of Humanities

The Faculty of Humanities has been founded in 1920 and it is the oldest out of the eight faculties at the University of Turku.

Developing Expertise

The University of Turku is a is a top-ranked multidisciplinary university with eight faculties. We offer companies and organisations a wide selection of courses for personnel development and training.

Innovations and Entrepreneurship

The University of Turku is a multidisciplinary university that offers excellent conditions for ground-breaking interdisciplinary research and making the results available for the benefit of society.