Keyword: Faculty of Humanities

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European Commission Grants Funding for Project on Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma


The European Remembrance Programme of the European Commission has granted funding for the interdisciplinary project “#NeverAgain: Teaching Transmission of Trauma and Remembrance through Experiential Learning”. Over the next two years, the project aims to address the concealed hatreds, prejudices and normalised oppressions that are learnt through the unhealed and transmitted traumas perpetuated in our everyday lives through seemingly harmless everyday practices.

Student Collaboration at University of Turku

Do you need a fixed-term project worker? Looking for an intern? There are 20,000 students in the eight faculties of the University of Turku. Put their skills to use and offer an important contact to working life!

Farm Cat Was More than a Utility Animal in the 19th Century


Despite the fact that the shared history of cats and humans is quite long, there has been very little research on cats. Professor of European and World History at the University of Turku Taina Syrjämaa has tackled this issue and, in her research, she sheds light on cats’ lives in Finland in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Although the times have changed since then, the relationship between cat and human is also greatly characterised by continuity and similarity. Already in the 19th century, cats were often considered family members.

Aboagora Symposium Awarded as the Humanist Act of the Year


The Faculty of Humanities of the University of Turku has granted the Humanist Act of the Year Award to the Aboagora symposium which has created a new type of forum between arts and science. Johanna Skurnik, who is a doctor in European and world history, was chosen as the Humanist Doctor of the Year.

New Publication Helps Us Understand How Narratives Expand Our Sense of the Possible


Cultural models of sense-making shape our views about who we are and who we could be – what is possible for us as individuals and as communities. Hanna Meretoja’s new book, The Ethics of Storytelling, provides us with tools for analysing cultural narrative models and understanding the power of literary narratives to expand our sense of the possible.