Keyword: Faculty of Humanities

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New Methods for Language Learning Developed at the University of Turku


Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities are developing methods for facilitating language learning and cultural education through art. In addition, the Centre for Language and Communication Studies is developing a mobile app for supporting international students in Finnish language learning.

Photo Galleries from Graduation Ceremonies Are Now Available


Photos from the Master’s degree graduation ceremonies of the Faculties of Law, Humanities, and Science and Engineering as well as Turku School of Economics are now available for download in the University’s Media Bank.

​The Master’s degree graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Science and Engineering in December 2017.

University of Turku Employs Nearly 50 New Doctoral Candidates


There are nearly fifty open vacancies for fixed-term doctoral candidate positions at the University of Turku from 1 January 2018 onwards. The call for applications is open 1–20 September and positions are open to all the 16 doctoral programmes.

Register Now to the Aboagora Symposium on 23–25 August


Aboagora – Between Arts and Sciences is an annual symposium which brings together various aspects of academia, arts, and society. The event offers a forum for researchers, artists, and the public to establish new dialogues and collaborations. Registration has been extended until August 11.

Finland 100 Elevated Ceremonial Conferment of Doctoral Degrees


– This has been a really great day. This prestigious celebration, the many traditions and that we were conferred in the year that Finland turns 100 feels like a privilege, said Doctor of Philosophy Annika Adamsson outside the Turku Cathedral. And she was not the only one. Finland 100 celebration was mentioned dozens of times throughout the celebration.

Two New Academy Professors to University of Turku


Hannu Salmi and Craig Primmer commence their five-year term as Academy Professors at the beginning of 2017.

Hannu Salmi is the Professor of Cultural History and the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities.

Ultrasound Reveals How Speech Sounds Are Formed


The Department of Phonetics at the University of Turku is the first one in the world to combine both ultrasound technology and research on the evoked potentials of the brain in the development of language education. With the two different methods, researchers are looking for new, more effective ways to teach foreign languages. The research can also have applications in the treatment of speech disorders in the future.