Keyword: Faculty of Medicine

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Drug Development and Diagnostics Strengthened with New Website and Five Assistant Professors


Drug development and diagnostics is a joint thematic research collaboration between the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University. Now, the Universities are launching a new website,, which presents their expertise in drug development and diagnostics. In addition, the research field is strengthened with five new assistant professor recruitments.

Xenon Gas Treatment Studied at Turku University Hospital Progresses into Drug Development


Xenon gas was studied at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Turku University Hospital, Finland in 2009–2014 as a treatment for minimising the damage of cardiac arrest, and now it enters drug development in spring 2018. NeuroproteXeon is advancing the study of xenon in a pivotal phase III trial. An earlier study discovered that xenon protects the white matter in the brain from damage and the latest research showed that xenon can also protect the heart.

Digitalisation of Dentistry Education Has Great Potential


Nordic Institute of Dental Education (NIDE) organised two advanced level CAD/CAM continuing education courses in Helsinki on 4–8 September with the help of American lecturers. The lecturers also visited the Institute of Dentistry at the University of Turku.

Large Erasmus+ Grant for Development of Biomedical Education


The Nordic NordBioMedNet, a collaborative network in the field of biomedicine, has received over €350,000 in Strategic Partnerships Erasmus+ funding from the European Union. With the funding, the network is building an Open Educational Resource – OER biomedical platform that is open for all.

University of Turku Employs Nearly 50 New Doctoral Candidates


There are nearly fifty open vacancies for fixed-term doctoral candidate positions at the University of Turku from 1 January 2018 onwards. The call for applications is open 1–20 September and positions are open to all the 16 doctoral programmes.

Elias Tillandz Prize Awarded to Best BioCity Turku Publication in 2016


This year, the Elias Tillandz Prize was awarded to the best research article published by the BioCity Turku researchers in 2016. The ceremony was held during the BioCity symposium on 17 August.

​Doctoral Candidate Norma Jäppinen (left) and Docent Pia Rantakari received the Prize. Professor Tapio Salmi from Åbo Akademi University handed the Prize to the researchers.