Before applying / Doctoral training at the Faculty of Medicine

The application form and the appendix to it include a summary of the research plan, a research plan for the doctoral thesis including a financing plan and a timetable plan, and a supervision and study plan. Additionally, the doctoral programmes may ask programme specific questions and require for specific appendixes.

A person applying for the right to study for a doctoral degree should discuss with his/her supervisors of the details related to the research project in good time, even months, before the beginning of the application period. It is worth preparing the appendix documents according to the instructions in the call for applications of the doctoral programme prior filling in the electronic application form.

Below are some general instructions on applying for a right to study for a doctoral degree to the Faculty of Medicine.
It is important to note also the instructions and enclosure of the doctoral programme you apply to.

Faculty of Medicine instructions on applying for a right to study for a doctoral degree