Keyword: Faculty of Medicine

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More Clues Revealed in Link between Normal Breast Changes and Invasive Breast Cancer


A research team from the University of Turku and Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center details how a natural and dramatic process – changes in mammary glands to accommodate breastfeeding – uses a molecular process believed to contribute to survival of premalignant breast cells. The study was published online in the prestigious journal Cell Death Discovery.

Involution in a mouse's mammary tissue after 72 hours. Dyed cross section, 100 times magnified.

Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research (3-4 yrs)

Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research aims to promote high quality clinical research and supports doctoral training in clinical medicine and other closely related research areas. One important goal

Collaboration and Services at the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine has a major social influence in terms of promoting health, research on the emergence, diagnostics and treatment of diseases and developing the service and education system in the health care sector.

Lääketieteellisen tiedekunnan alumnitoiminta

Lääketieteellinen tiedekunta haluaa pitää yllä tiiviitä suhteita alumneihinsa valmistumisen jälkeen. Ole osa asiantuntevaa verkostoa vielä valmistumisen jälkeenkin – tule mukaan alumnitoimintaan! 

New Genetic Compound Marker Could Help Early Diagnosis of Aggressive Prostate Cancer


A research team at the University of Turku discovered a link between the interplay of certain simultaneously occurring genetic changes in the HOXB13 and CIP2A genes, aggressiveness of prostate cancer, high risk of developing the disease, and poorer survival rates of patients. Prostate cancer is a major challenge in health care with over one million new cases and 300,000 deaths from it each year worldwide.

New Genetic Marker Could Help Diagnose Aggressive Prostate Cancer


Scientists have discovered a link between certain genetic mutations, the aggressiveness of prostate cancer, risk of developing the disease and poorer survival rates of patients. The gene, called ANO7, could play a vital role in improving diagnosis of prostate cancer patients. There are over 50,000 new cases and 11,000 deaths from prostate cancer each year in the UK.

Student Collaboration at University of Turku

Do you need a fixed-term project worker? Looking for an intern? There are 20,000 students in the eight faculties of the University of Turku. Put their skills to use and offer an important contact to working life!