Keyword: Press release

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Researchers Develop a New Method for Studying Functionality of Microbiota


A research group from Turku Bioscience Centre, Finland, has developed a new method for studying the functionality of microbiota through metaproteomics. The new method poses broad potential for the study of microbiota on a new, functional level.  The characterisation of the functionality of gut microbiota is central in the study of human health and disease as well as disease prediction, prevention, and treatment. Previous studies have mainly focused on cataloguing the composition of microbiota, but little is known about the functionality of the human gut microbiota.

The University of Turku Nature2100 Fund Has Purchased Forest for Conservation Near Kurjenrahka National Park


The University of Turku Nature2100 fund (Luonto2100-rahasto) that was established last year under the Turku University Foundation has bought its first forests close to Kurjenrahka national park. The two areas that are situated in Pöytyä’s Yläne region constitute altogether 25 hectares. The aim is to enhance the biodiversity and carbon sink of the areas, as well as the possibilities for recreational use.

Researchers Discover a New Receptor Regulating Sebaceous Gland Progenitor Cell Function


Stem cells and progenitor cells play an important role in the renewal of multiple tissues. Professor Jyrki Heino’s research group from the University of Turku together and Professor Fiona Watt´s research group from King’s College London have discovered a molecule called embigin on the surface of epithelia progenitor cells and proven its significance to sebaceous gland function.

Natural Mineral Hackmanite Can Change Colour Almost Indefinitely Enabling Numerous Applications


While investigating hackmanite, a natural wonder material, researchers found that it, in addition to two other minerals, can change their colour upon exposure to UV radiation repeatedly without wearing out. The results show that the inexpensive hackmanite, which is easy to synthesise, is also an excellent material because of its high durability and applicability for different purposes.

Migratory bird species get a different early start than non-migratory species


In all vertebrates, mothers transfer variable amounts of hormones into eggs and embryos, which influence development and traits of offspring in later lives. In a recent study the researchers looked at the transferred hormones in different bird species eggs, and found a hundredfold difference in the thyroid hormones, which control development and growth in birds. Migratory and precocial bird species provide the highest levels of thyroid hormones to their offspring.