Keyword: Press release

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Turku PET Centre Introduces New Total-Body PET Scanner


The new total-body PET scanner has been introduced at the Turku PET Centre. This new generation of medical imaging devices offers novel methods for studying diseases that affect the entire body, not only a single organ. Such diseases include diabetes, coronary artery disease, and multiple sclerosis. For the patient, being able to use the new device means a lower amount of radiation and a shorter scanning time.

A Record Number of 200 Doctorates and 15 Honorary Doctorates Conferred at the University of Turku


The Ceremonial Conferment of Doctoral Degrees of the University of Turku will be arranged on Friday, 27 May 2022. The Conferment Ceremony begins at 11.00am at Logomo, and the entire event will also be directly streamed online. The Academic Procession making its way from the City Theatre to the Cathedral can be observed and followed starting from 3.00 pm (weather permitting).

Honorary Doctors of Education will give lectures on May 23rd and 30th


Olli-Pekka Heinonen, Director General of the International Baccalaureate Organization, and Martin Thrupp, Professor at New Zealand's Univeristy of Waikato, will give their honorary doctoral lectures at the end of My. The title of Heinonen's lecture is "What have I learned in 30 years about educational reforms?" and the title of Thrupp's presentation is "Education academics in small countries: Comparing notes between New Zealand and Finland". Both lectures can be followed remotely and you can also attend Thrupp's lecture at the University of Turku.

Researchers from the University of Turku Develop Hackmanite-Based Radiation Detectors for the International Space Station


Researchers from the University of Turku are developing a new hackmanite-based dosimeter and passive detectors for the International Space Station, intended to be used to measure the radiation dose uptake of materials during space flights. The year-long research project is funded by the European Space Agency, ESA.

Innovation Cooperation in Brain Research is Intensifying in Southwest Finland


The University of Turku and the Turku University Central Hospital (TYKS) have signed a cooperation agreement on the establishment of the Turku Brain & Mind regional network. The network promotes brain health research and cooperation in Southwest Finland. The regional networks of the Neurocenter Finland have been in operation since late 2021.

MAGIC Telescope System Detected Energetic Gamma-ray Emission from a Nova Eruption – Observation Provides New Insights into the Origin of Cosmic Rays


Using the telescopes of the MAGIC collaboration, scientists have detected very-high-energy gamma rays from the nova eruption of the RS Ophiuchi recurrent nova on the Milky Way.  The measured radiation is up to one hundred billion times more energetic than visible light. This is the first time such intense gamma rays have been observed from a nova. The observations provide new insights into the role of nova eruptions as sources of the mysterious cosmic rays.