Keyword: Press release

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Grannies protected against infections in historical Finland


Researchers from the University of Turku and the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology investigated the role of grandmothers in preventing childhood mortality from infectious diseases in 18th and 19th century Finland. According to the study, grandmothers decreased all-cause and cause-specific mortality of children.

Invest Research Centre's new projects study the impact of the pandemic on the well-being of children and adolescents


Professor of social work Mia Hakovirta and Professor of child psychiatry André Sourander have received funding from NordForsk call Welfare among Children and Young People in the Post-Pandemic Nordics. Both projects examine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being of children and adolescents in the Nordic countries.

Radio signal reveals supernova origin


In the latest issue of the journal Nature, an international team including astronomers from University of Turku reveal the origin of a thermonuclear supernova explosion. Strong emission lines of helium and the first detection of such a supernova in radio waves show that the exploding white dwarf star had a helium-rich companion.

Ceremonial Conferment of Faculty of Medicine Celebrates 152 Doctors and 5 Honorary Doctors – Participate in Honorary Doctors’ Public Lectures and Follow the Academic Procession


The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Turku is organising a ceremonial conferment of doctoral degrees on 26 May 2023. The Conferment Ceremony starts at noon at the Turku Concert Hall. The Academic Procession to the Cathedral can be followed starting from 3.30pm (if weather permits).