Three candidates invited to further interviews for the position of the Rector of the University of Turku


The Board of the University of Turku has decided to invite Dean, Professor Jaakko Järvi, Vice Rector Marjo Kaartinen and Professor Saara Taalas to further interviews in the University’s recruitment process for a new Rector.

The term of office of the University’s current Rector Jukka Kola will end by the end of July 2024. The University published the call for applications for the position of the Rector on 29 August. The University received applications to the position from 18 applicants. On 13 October, the University Board of the University of Turku decided to invite eight applicants to interviews. The University Board interviewed the candidates at the beginning of November.

The University Board has decided to invite the following candidates to the next phase of interviews:

  • PhD, Dean, Professor Jaakko Järvi, University of Turku
  • PhD, Vice Rector Marjo Kaartinen, Uniarts Helsinki
  • PhD, Professor Saara Taalas, Linnaeus University.

The selection criteria for the top candidates include, for example, the ability to lead a multidisciplinary university, the ability to identify the University’s needs for development and change, a vision for managing the organisation’s substantial finances, experience in international collaboration, and interpersonal skills.

The University community has had the opportunity to participate in the process by submitting questions for the interviewees. The candidates are interviewed in an open event for the University community on 27 November. The University Collegiate Council will also interview the candidates. Furthermore, MPS consulting will conduct leadership assessments and the University Board will interview the candidates again in December. In addition, the University Board has arranged hearing and discussions events for the Faculty Councils, management of the independent units, and the Student Union of the University of Turku.

The University of Turku is looking for a Rector for a five-year term starting on 1 August 2023 to lead the operations and work community of a multidisciplinary and international University according to its values and Strategy. The goal is that the University Board will make the decision regarding the Rector in January or in February 2024 the latest.

Created 09.11.2023 | Updated 09.11.2023