Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks, which need human intelligence. Artificial Intelligence has led to significant improvements in the areas of healthcare such as medical imaging, automated clinical decision-making, diagnosis, prognosis, and more.

The use of Artificial Intelligence is predicted to decrease medical costs as there will be more accuracy in diagnosis and better predictions in the treatment plan as well as more prevention of disease. In his lecture, Professor of Artificial Intelligence will explain how artificial intelligence and machine learning is utilized for medicine and healthcare.

Watch the Inaugural Lecture:

Inaugural Lectures in text version

Abdulhamit Subasi
Abdulhamit Subasi started as a Professor of Medical physics at the University of Turku in September 2020. His field of expertise is Artificial Intelligence and its applications in health care.

Most central research topics or areas of expertise

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Biomedical Signal Processing
  • Biomedical Image Processing

Degrees and docentships

  • Professor of Electronics, International Burch University, 2012
  • Associate Professor of Computer Science and information Processing, International Burch University, 2009
  • PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sakarya University, 2001