Seppo Salminen profiilikuva
erityisasiantuntija, ravitsemus- ja ruokatutkimuskeskus
MSc, MS, PhD

Ota yhteyttä

+358 29 450 2714
+358 40 060 1394
Kiinamyllynkatu 10


Professori, yksikön johtaja
suoliston mikrobisto, probiootit ja prebiootit, ravitsemus ja ruoan turvallisuus, EU lainsädäntö


Funktionaalliset elintarvikkeet ja EU lainsäädäntö; Maitohappobakteereiden bioteknologia


Ravinto ja terveys, suoliston mikrobisto, probiootit, prebiootit, terveysvaikutteiset elintarvikkeet, terveysväittämät, uuselintarvikkeet, lainsäädäntö



Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to various food(s)/food constituent(s) claiming “healthy and balanced digestive system” (ID 1371, 4228), increasing numbers of gastro-intestinal microorganisms (ID 864, 1371, 3073, 4228) and decreasing potentially pathogenic gastro-intestinal microorganisms (ID 864, 1371, 3073, 4228) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 (2010)

Carlo Agostoni, Jean-Louis Bresson, Susan Fairweather-Tait, Albert Flynn, Ines Golly, Hannu Korhonen, Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Rosangela Marchelli, Ambroise Martin, Bevan Moseley, Monika Neuhäuser-Berthold, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Yolanda Sanz, Sean (J J ) Strain, Stephan Strobel, Inge Tetens, Daniel Tomé, Hendrik van Loveren and Hans Verhagen
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))

Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of a health claim related to Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota and maintenance of the upper respiratory tract defence against pathogens by maintaining immune defences pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 (2010)

Carlo Agostoni, Jean-Louis Bresson, Susan Fairweather-Tait, Albert Flynn, Ines Golly, Hannu Korhonen, Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Rosangela Marchelli, Ambroise Martin, Bevan Moseley, Monika Neuhäuser-Berthold, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Yolanda Sanz, Sean (J J ) Strain, Stephan Strobel, Inge Tetens, Daniel Tomé, Hendrik van Loveren and Hans Verhagen
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))

Scientific Opinion on the effect on public or animal health or on the environment on the presence of seeds of Ambrosia spp. in animal feed (2010)

CONTAM Panel members, Jan Alexander, Diane Benford, Alan Boobis, Sandra Ceccatelli, Jean-Pierre Cravedi, Daniel Doerge, Alessandro Di Domenico, Eugenia Dogliotti, Lutz Edler, Metka Filipič, Johanna Fink-Gremmels, Peter Fürst, Peter Farmer, Thierry Guerin, Helle Knutsen, Miroslav Machala, Antonio Mutti, Josef Schlatter and Rolaf van Leeuwen NDA Panel members, Carlo Virginio Agostoni, Jean Louis Bresson, Susan Fairweather-Tait, Albert Flynn, Ines Golly, Hannu Jaakko Tapani Korhonen, Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Rosagnela Marchelli, Ambroise Martin, Bevan Moseley, Monika Neuhäuser-Berthold, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Yolanda Sanz, John J Strain, Stephan Strobel, Inge Tetens, Daniel Tomé, Hendrik van Loveren and Hans Verhagen PLH Panel members, Richard Baker, Thierry Candresse, Erzsébet Dormannsne Simon, Gianni Gilioli, Jean-Claude Grégoire, Michael John Jeger, Olia Evtimova Karadjova, Gábor Lövei, David Makowski, Charles Manceau, Maria Navajas, Angelo Porta Puglia, Trond Rafoss, Vittorio Rossi, Jan Schans, Gritta Schrader, Gregor Urek, Johan Coert van Lenteren, Irene Vloutoglou, Stephan Winter and Marina Zlotina
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))

Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to linoleic acid and maintenance of neurological function (ID 732, 2897) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 (2010)

Carlo Agostoni, Jean-Louis Bresson, Susan Fairweather-Tait, Albert Flynn, Ines Golly, Hannu Korhonen, Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Rosangela Marchelli, Ambroise Martin, Bevan Moseley, Monika Neuhäuser-Berthold, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Yolanda Sanz, Sean (J J ) Strain, Stephan Strobel, Inge Tetens, Daniel Tomé, Hendrik van Loveren and Hans Verhagen
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))

Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to partially hydrolysed guar gum and increase in satiety (ID 790), maintenance or achievement of a normal body weight (ID 790), maintenance of normal blood concentrations of triglycerides (ID 793, 816), maintenance of normal blood cholesterol concentrations (ID 793, 816), reduction of post-prandial glycaemic responses (ID 789, 2932) and maintenance of normal blood glucose concentrations (ID 792) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 (2010)

Carlo Agostoni, Jean-Louis Bresson, Susan Fairweather-Tait, Albert Flynn, Ines Golly, Hannu Korhonen, Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Rosangela Marchelli, Ambroise Martin, Bevan Moseley, Monika Neuhäuser-Berthold, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Yolanda Sanz, Sean (J J ) Strain, Stephan Strobel, Inge Tetens, Daniel Tomé, Hendrik van Loveren and Hans Verhagen
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))

Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to sugar free chewing gum and reduction of dental plaque (ID 3084) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 (2010)

Carlo Agostoni, Jean-Louis Bresson, Susan Fairweather-Tait, Albert Flynn, Ines Golly, Hannu Korhonen, Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Rosangela Marchelli, Ambroise Martin, Bevan Moseley, Monika Neuhäuser-Berthold, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Yolanda Sanz, Sean (J J ) Strain, Stephan Strobel, Inge Tetens, Daniel Tomé, Hendrik van Loveren and Hans Verhagen
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))

Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to vitamin C and reduction of tiredness and fatigue (ID 139, 2622), contribution to normal psychological functions (ID 140), regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E (ID 202), contribution to normal energy-yielding metabolism (ID 2334, 3196), maintenance of the normal function of the immune system (ID 4321) and protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage (ID 3331) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 (2010)

Carlo Agostoni, Jean-Louis Bresson, Susan Fairweather-Tait, Albert Flynn, Ines Golly, Hannu Korhonen, Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Rosangela Marchelli, Ambroise Martin, Bevan Moseley, Monika Neuhäuser-Berthold, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Yolanda Sanz, Sean (J J ) Strain, Stephan Strobel, Inge Tetens, Daniel Tomé, Hendrik van Loveren and Hans Verhagen
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))

Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to chromium and contribution to normal macronutrient metabolism (ID 260, 401, 4665, 4666, 4667), maintenance of normal blood glucose concentrations (ID 262, 4667), contribution to the maintenance or achievement of a normal body weight (ID 339, 4665, 4666), and reduction of tiredness and fatigue (ID 261) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 (2010)

Carlo Agostoni, Jean-Louis Bresson, Susan Fairweather-Tait, Albert Flynn, Ines Golly, Hannu Korhonen, Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Rosangela Marchelli, Ambroise Martin, Bevan Moseley, Monika Neuhäuser-Berthold, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Yolanda Sanz, Sean (J J ) Strain, Stephan Strobel, Inge Tetens, Daniel Tomé, Hendrik van Loveren and Hans Verhagen
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))

Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and enhancement of mood (ID 633), calming (ID 634), increased attention (ID 634), increase in appetite after unintentional weight loss leading to an increase in energy intake (ID 635), and protection of blood lipids from oxidative damage (ID 636) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 (2010)

Carlo Agostoni, Jean-Louis Bresson, Susan Fairweather-Tait, Albert Flynn, Ines Golly, Hannu Korhonen, Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Rosangela Marchelli, Ambroise Martin, Bevan Moseley, Monika Neuhäuser-Berthold, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Yolanda Sanz, Sean (J J ) Strain, Stephan Strobel, Inge Tetens, Daniel Tomé, Hendrik van Loveren and Hans Verhagen
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))

Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to wheat bran fibre and increase in faecal bulk (ID 3066), reduction in intestinal transit time (ID 828, 839, 3067, 4699) and contribution to the maintenance or achievement of a normal body weight (ID 829) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 (2010)

Carlo Agostoni, Jean-Louis Bresson, Susan Fairweather-Tait, Albert Flynn, Ines Golly, Hannu Korhonen, Pagona Lagiou, Martinus Løvik, Rosangela Marchelli, Ambroise Martin, Bevan Moseley, Monika Neuhäuser-Berthold, Hildegard Przyrembel, Seppo Salminen, Yolanda Sanz, Sean (J J ) Strain, Stephan Strobel, Inge Tetens, Daniel Tomé, Hendrik van Loveren and Hans Verhagen
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))