professori, hammaslääketieteen laitos
InFLAMES Lippulaiva
Biomateriaalit hammashoidossa ja lääketieteessä
Hammaslääketieteen peruskoulutus ja kliininen opetus (Turun kaupungin hyvinvointitoimiala); biomateriaalitieteen opetus eri perus- ja tieteellisen koulutuksen tasoilla.
Effect of pretreatment with collagen crosslinkers on dentin protease activity (2015)
Dental Materials
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Degree of conversion of dual-polymerizing cements light polymerized through monolithic zirconia of different thicknesses and types (2015)
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
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High-aspect ratio fillers – Fiber-reinforced composites and their anisotropic properties (2015)
Fiber-reinforced composites and their anisotropic properties
Dental Materials
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The effect ot short fiber composite base on microleakage and load-bearing capacity of posterior restorations (2015)
Acta Biomaterialia Odontologica Scandinavica
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Effect of heat treatment of wood on the morphology, surface roughness and penetration of simulated and human blood (2014)
Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering
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Effect of implant design and bioactive glass coating on biomechanical properties of fiber-reinforced composite implants (2014)
European Journal of Oral Sciences
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In vitro blood and fibroblast responses to BisGMA-TEGDMA/bioactive glass composite implants. (2014)
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
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Bioactive glass particulate filler composite: Effect of coupling of fillers and filler loading on some physical properties (2014)
Dental Materials
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Fracture resistance of endodontically restored, weakened incisors (2014)
Dental Traumatology
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Factors affecting the mechanical behavior of Y-TZP (2014)
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
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