professori, hammaslääketieteen laitos
InFLAMES Lippulaiva
Biomateriaalit hammashoidossa ja lääketieteessä
Hammaslääketieteen peruskoulutus ja kliininen opetus (Turun kaupungin hyvinvointitoimiala); biomateriaalitieteen opetus eri perus- ja tieteellisen koulutuksen tasoilla.
The Effect of Hydrofluoric Acid Etching Duration on the Surface Micromorphology, Roughness, and Wettability of Dental Ceramics (2016)
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
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Keraamit hammashoidon materiaaleina (2016)
Suomen Hammaslääkärilehti
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Bioactive glass surface for fiber reinforced composite implants via surface etching by Excimer laser (2016)
Medical Engineering and Physics
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Influence of increment thickness on light transmission, degree of conversion and micro hardness of bulk fill composites (2016)
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Effect of several intracanal medicaments on the push-out bond strength of ProRoot MTA and Biodentine (2016)
International Endodontic Journal
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Micro-shear bond strength of different resin cements to ceramic/glass-polymer CAD-CAM block materials (2016)
Journal of Prosthodontic Research
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Compression properties and dissolution of bioactive glass S53P4 and n-butyl-2 cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive –composite (2016)
Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering
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Are we misusing fiber posts? Guest editorial (2016)
Dental Materials
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Corrigendum to 'Physical properties and depth of cure of a new short fiber reinforced composite' [Dent Mater 29 (8) (2013) 835-841] (2016)
Dental Materials
(O2 Muu julkaisu )
Flexural behavior of glass fiber reinforced composite wires with two monomer compositions compared to steel wire used as an orthodontic retainer (2016)
Strength, Fracture and Complexity
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