Tule keskustelemaan EUn luonnon monimuotoisuuden tavoitteista 1.7. webinaariin EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030. Mukana EU-tason asiantuntijoita


Open Webinar on EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 on 1 July with Top EU-level Biodiversity Policy Speakers

Leading biodiversity scholars at Finnish universities have published a position paper as a reflection on the EU Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework and Biodiversity Strategy 2030. The paper highlights the role of the universities in safeguarding global biodiversity and human health. The key messages are also crucial for the implementation EU Green Deal and Horizon Europe.

The position paper is the starting point for the webinar EU BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY 2030 - The Role of Science and Education in Safeguarding Biodiversity, which will be held on 1 July 2020 at 11-13h (CET) / 12-14h Finnish time. The aim of the webinar is to discuss and reflect the new EU Biodiversity strategy with top EU-level biodiversity politicians. The webinar is organized by the universities of Turku, Helsinki, Oulu and Eastern Finland, in collaboration with Turku-Southwest Finland European Office and Helsinki EU office, and moderated by Finnish EU parliament member Ville Niinistö (Greens/EFA, Finland). The webinar is open to everyone.

> Register to the seminar

You will receive a confirmation email with a link to the webinar. In case of problems, please contact: researchfunding@utu.fi.


Welcoming and opening words

  •  Ville Niinistö, MEP (Greens/EFA), European Parliament shadow rapporteur on EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030

EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and Horizon Europe; preserving and protecting ecosystems through the power of science

  •  Marco Fritz, Leader R&I Biodiversity Team, DG Research and Innovation European Commission

Improving knowledge, education and skills; Universities safeguarding global biodiversity and human health

  •  Ilari E. Sääksjärvi, Professor, University of Turku
  •  Elina Oksanen, Professor, University of Eastern Finland

Comments from WWF

  •  Andreas Baumüller, Head, Natural Resources, WWF European Policy Office


Closing remarks, MEP Ville Niinistö

Luotu 25.06.2020 | Muokattu 29.06.2020