Join the Virtual Panel Discussion on The Entrepreneurs in Residence (EiR) programme "a new level in industry-university collaboration: The Entrepreneurs in Residence (EiR) programme at the University of Turku".
The panel discussion is held in English and open to the public. Speakers: Laura Strömberg, Jussi Karttila, Jarna Heinonen, Sanna Ilonen.
You are invited to join on Zoom, on 13 December 2022, 10:00-11:00 CET (11:00-12:00 in Finland): (Passcode: 310345).
The event is organised by The European Campus of City-Universities (EC2U), which is a multi-cultural and multi-lingual Alliance consisting of seven long-standing, education- and research-led, locally and globally engaged universities from four diverse regions of the European Union: the University of Coimbra, the University of Iași, the University of Jena, the University of Pavia, the University of Poitiers (Coordinator), the University of Salamanca and the University of Turku.