Department of Nursing Science donated "Finland 100 years Independency" themed wool socks for the newborns


​In the picture: Representatives from the Department of Nursing Science docent Leena Salminen and post-doc researcher Hannakaisa Niela-Vilén with the Labor and Delivery Department´s staff who received the gift (assistant nurse manager and midwife Sari Orkolahti and midwifes Johanna Laaksonen and Noora Hakoniemi).

​In the honour of Finlands 100th year of Independency the personnel from the Department of Nursing Science knitted blue and white colored wool socks for the newborns. Tiny little socks were given for Labor and Delivery Department´s newborns at Turku University Hospital (TYKS) on 1st of November 2017. The gift was received by assistant nurse manager and midwife Sari Orkolahti and midwifes Johanna Laaksonen and Noora Hakoniemi.

Docent Leena Salminen from the Department of Nursing Science who coordinated the whole project says that knitting the socks was a wonderful project:

– Knitting socks balances out well the scientific work. Our staff was excited about the project and they enjoyed knitting greatly.

Luotu 06.11.2017 | Muokattu 06.11.2017