Coolest Student Papers at Finland Futures Research Centre 2015–2016


Welcome to read inspired and inspirational picks from Finland Futures Research Centre’s students papers from the study year 2015–16!

With this publication, we at the FFRC want to create a channel for making visible the hard work, academic talent and creativity featured in our courses. 

This Special Issue covers six courses from the international Master’s Degree Programme in Futures Studies (FUTU), two courses organised by Finland Futures Academy (FFA) (taught in Finnish), and the interdisciplinary teamwork course of Sustainability Studies (KEKO) (includes both English and Finnish speaking teams).

FUTU, FFA and KEKO studies are all coordinated by the FFRC. In this Special Issue each course forms its own section with an introduction by the teacher(s), followed by the papers.

The Coolest Student Papers of FFRC 2015–16 has the following aims. First, having their work published hopefully serves as a small extra reward for the hard work of those students whose papers got selected. May this boost their and others ambition further! Second, we hope that the possibility of publication will motivate the students of the next study year to do their best in thinking, writing and also in the final step of polishing, which is essential to get a paper to a condition where its publication is considered. Third, even if one does not wish to have a published essay, the examples give an idea about highly esteemed approaches in FFRC course assignments. Fourth, publishing the papers necessitated a clear copyright practice from us. For this publication, formal agreements have been made with all authors. This makes it easy to show and use these papers as an inspiration for future students. Fifth and finally, the papers of this issue should help you as a reader to understand the many-faceted nature of Futures Studies and Sustainability Studies. Maybe you know someone who’d be interested to study them?



Luotu 21.09.2016 | Muokattu 21.09.2016