An exciting new collaboration has been launched between Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku and School of Nursing, University of Fudan


​An exciting future lies ahead, a new International Master’s Degree Program will be developed as a collaboration between the following:

  1. Department of Nursing Science from University of Turku
  2. Department of Future Technologies from University of Turku
  3. School of Nursing and IT department from University of Fudan, Shanghai, China

All the above met at University of Turku, where they discussed how the responsibilites will be shared amongst them. Representatives from International Affairs Department and experts from the Faculty of Medicine from University of Turku participated for the meeting as well.

Dean Hu Yan and teacher MinMin Lu from the University of Fudan attended the meeting and were positively engaged. There was a ”spirit of making the future” in meeting!

Luotu 06.11.2017 | Muokattu 06.11.2017