

SusBerg is a multidisciplinary research group focusing on sustainability and brand equity. Regional issues are important in SusBerg, and they are examined from the viewpoint of enterprises, society and environment. Brand equity in SusBerg is connected to regional economy and responsibility.

Research Themes
  • Branding, brand equity, and place branding in the context of creative economy and tourism
  • Event and destination marketing and management from the theoretical viewpoints of branding, networking and regional   economy
  • Regional competitiveness, economic resilience, smart specialisation, regional development, business cycles, and foresight
  • Development of the brand equity of the region and place
  • CREME model (Computational Regional Economic Model of Events) and the economic impact of festivals and events on the region
  • Environmental regulation and environmental innovation
  • Blue growth: sustainable economic growth based on the resources of the seas
  • Sustainable food innovation
  • DigiLuonto Satakunta 2019-2021, total budget 300 000 €

  • Bugs and Brands 2019-2020

  • EnviSuM 2016-2019: Environmental Impacts of Low-Emission Shipping (funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region), total budget 3.2 million €

  • Plan4Blue 2016-2019: Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (funded by Interreg Central Baltic 2016-2019), total budget 2.0 million €

  • Measuring an Experience by the Sea (funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry), total budget 117 000 €

  • LITO 2016-2018: developing e-learning business courses (funded by the Ministry of Education), total budget 1.1 million €

  • Responsible business for Finland-India trade 2015-2017 (funded by CIMO), total budget 60 000 €

Selected publications
  • Haukioja, T., Kaipainen, J., Kaivo-oja, J., Karppinen, A. Laitinen, K., Stenvall, J. & Vähäsantanen, S. (2019) A Book Review of the Commission Handbook on Smart Specialisation. European Spatial Research and Policy. June, 2019. (Forthcoming)

  • Haukioja, T., Kaivo-oja, J., Karppinen, A. & Vähäsantanen, S. (2018) Identification of Smart Regions with Resilience, Specialisation and Labour Intensity in a Globally Competitive Sector – Examination of LAU-1 Regions in Finland. European Integration Studies, 2018. (Forthcoming)

  • Kaivo-oja, Jari, Vähäsantanen, Saku, Karppinen, Ari & Haukioja, Teemu (2017). Smart specialization strategy and its operationalization in the regional policy: case Finland. Business, Management and Education Vol 15, No 1, 28-41. VGTU Press. http://www.bme.vgtu.lt/index.php/bme/article/view/362. 

  • Lemmetyinen, Arja (2017) Safe, secure and sustainable: attributes of a strong cruise brand.  in: Dowling, R. and Weeden, C. (Eds.), Cruise Ship Tourism, 2nd edition CABI, Oxfordshire OX10 8DE, UK.

  • Lemmetyinen, Arja, Dimitrovski, Darko, Nieminen, Lenita & Pohjola Tuomas (2016) Cruise Destination Brand Awareness as a Moderator in Motivation-Satisfaction Relation.    Tourism Review, Vol. 71, No 4, 245-258.

  • Lemmetyinen, Arja,  Nieminen, Lenita & Aalto, Johanna (2018) Who takes the lead in initiating cooperation in a cultural network and why? A case of rural Finnish destination. In: Egberts, L. & Alvarez Maria D. (eds.) Heritage and Tourism: Places, Imageries and the Digital Age. Amsterdam University Press.

  • Lemmetyinen, Arja & Saraniemi, Saila (2017) Imago ja brändi matkailussa. Lapin yliopiston julkaisu: Matkailututkimuksen avainkäsitteet (toim. Johan Edelheim ja Heli Ilola).

  • Lähteenmäki-Uutela, Anu; (2017) Nicole Grmelová, Louise Hénault-Ethier, Marie-Hélène Deschamps, Grant W. Vandenberg, Ai Zhao, Yumei Zhang, Baoru Yang, Vivek Nemane. Insects as Food and Feed: Laws of the European Union, United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and China. European Food and Feed Law Review 12(1).

  • Lähteenmäki-Uutela, Anu, Repka, Sari, Haukioja, Teemu & Pohjola, Tuomas (2017) How to recognize and measure the economic impacts of environmental regulation: the Sulfur Emission Control Area case. Journal of Cleaner Production 154, 15 June 2017, 553-565.

  • Nieminen, Lenita & Lemmetyinen, Arja (2015) A Value-Creating Framework for Enhancing Entrepreneurial Learning in Networks. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 9, No. 1, 76-91.

  • Piha, Samuel, Pohjanheimo, Terhi, Lähteenmäki-Uutela, Anu, Kreckova, Zuzana & Otterbring, Tobias (2016) The effects of consumer knowledge on the willingness to buy insect food: An exploratory cross-regional study in Northern and Central Europe. Food Quality and Preference.

Member network


Johanna_Aalto2 Johanna Aalto
Laurea ammattikorkeakoulu

Lenita Nieminen
Independent researcher

Anu_Lähteenmäki-Uutela Anu Lähteenmäki-Uutela
Suomen ympäristökeskus, SYKE
Olena_de_Andres Olena de Andres
Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu
Saku_Vähäsantanen Saku Vähäsantanen
Sari_Liikala Sari Liikala
Oulun yliopisto
Tanja_Lepistö Tanja Lepistö
Tiina_Mäkitalo Tiina Mäkitalo
Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu