

The Networked Co-development research group is a multidisciplinary group which aims to understand the development of networked business and markets from a collaborative and processual viewpoint.

Research Themes

The disciplinary background of the members includes entrepreneurship, international business, marketing, organisation and management, and sociology. Our current research interests focus on SME’s networked business models, management of business relationships and networks, market shaping, brand love and value co-creation. We also further develop the Conceptual Analysis Method (CAM).

  • MUKI - Municipality as a network actor: managing the strategic change

In addition to the group at TSE Pori and institutions in Turku, Netcod research projects involve collaboration with scholars from the following institutions: Uppsala University (Sweden), Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), South East Technological University (Ireland), University of Manchester (UK), Indian Institute of Technology (India), and from Finland Universities of Oulu and Vaasa and, Satakunta and Oulu Universities of Applied Sciences.

Latest Publications


  • Simunaniemi A-M., Valkjärvi M., Franzén R., Liikala S., Tähtinen J., Suomi K. & Jeminen J. (2023) Microentrepreneurs as socially responsible leaders. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 12, 14–30. 
  • Aro, K., Suomi, K. &  Gyrd-Jones, R. (2023) Layers of love – exploring the interactive layers of brand love in the social media setting. European Journal of Marketing, 57(13), 87–110. DOI:10.1108/EJM-12-2020-0897


  • Syväri, M. (2022) Chasing Impact – How Hybrid New Ventures Shape Markets for Sustainability. Doctoral Dissertation, Turku School of Economics, Pori.
  • Saxena, S., Chawla, V. & Tähtinen, J. (2022) Dimensions of e-return service quality: conceptual refinement and directions for measurement, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 32(5), 640–672.
  • Lepistö, T. & Hytti, U. (2022) Developing an executive learning community: focus on collective creation. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 20(4).
  • Fleming, D., Tähtinen, J. & Kelliher, F. (2022) Can We Mend Fences? A Model of Recovery Processes of SME Business-to-Business Relationships. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 37(4), 932–943.
  • Nieminen, L. & Lemmetyinen, A. (2022) A micro-entrepreneur’s belonging to the creative economy – narratives from Northern Europe. In: Comunian, R. – Heinonen, J. and Wilson N. (eds), A modern guide to Creative economies, 92-108. E. Elgar.
  • Tähtinen, J. & Suomi, K. (2022) A Conceptual Analysis of Labels Referring to Brand Co-Creation. In: Research Handbook on Brand Co-creation: Theory, practice, and ethical implications, Eds. Stefan Markovic, Richard Gyrd-Jones, Sylvia von Wallpach & Adam Lindgreen, Edward Elgar.
  • Aro, K. & Tähtinen, J. (2022) Extending the concept of brand love with bodily dimension. A paper presented the NFF Conference, 24-26.8.2022 Örebro, Sweden.
  • Syväri, M.; Tähtinen, J. & Nordberg‐Davies, S. (2022) Developing a digital platform as a market shaping device for sustainability. A paper presented at the IMP2022 conference, 30.8 – 2.9.2022, Florence, Italy.
  • Nieminen, L. & Lemmetyinen, A. (2022) Imaging an Inclusive and Creative Place for Doing Entrepreneurship. Presented at the conference “Arts, Enterprise and Place in the Rural Creative Economy”,12-13th January 2022, remoted Newcastle.
  • Lemmetyinen, A. & Nieminen, L. (2022) Prerequisites for inclusive and sustainable interaction in cultural and creative business networks.A paper presented at the IMP2022 conference, 30.8 – 2.9.2022, Florence, Italy.
  • Pohjola, T., Aalto, J., Lemmetyinen, A. & Liu, D. (2022) Towards Smart and Strategic Place-Brand Engagement to full paper. A paper will be presented at the IPBA-conference in October, France.
  • Pohjola, T., Aalto, J. & Lemmetyinen, A. (2022) Boosting Smart Place-Brand Engagement, the strategic role of the University, presented at the Nordic Symposium in Porvoo in September 2022.
  • Liu, D. & Lemmetyinen, A. (2022) Self-Directed or Attractions-Directed? Intergenerational Difference of Chinese Female Tourist’s Selfies in Digital Society, presented at the Nordic Symposium in Porvoo in September 2022.
  • Liu, D. & Lemmetyinen, A. (2022) Smartphone Users’ Self Technology Chinese Female Tourists’ Impression Management on Selfies, presented at the FAMAC22, in Helsinki, June 2nd 2022.


  • Lemmetyinen, A. , Nieminen, L. & Aalto, J. (2021) A Gentler Structure to Life– Co-creation in Branding a Cultural Route. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 17, 268–277.
  • Dimitrovski, D. - Lemmetyinen, A. - Nieminen, L. & Pohjola, T. (2021) Understanding coastal and marine tourism sustainability - A multi-stakeholder analysis. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 19.
  • Lemmetyinen, A. - Nieminen, L. & Aalto, J. (2021) Ethical value propositions in branding a rural community. In Della Lucia, M. & Giudici, E. (eds.) Humanistic Tourism: Values, Norms and Dignity. Routledge.
  • Lepistö, T. & Hytti, U. (2021) Developing an executive learning community: focus on collective creation. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 20 (4) 514–538.
  • Tähtinen, J. & Suomi, K. (2021) Shall I call it brand value co-creation, brand meaning co-creation, or something else? A paper presented the EMAC2021 conference, Madrid, Spain.


  • Suomi, K., Luonila, M., & Tähtinen, J. (2020) Ironic festival brand co-creation. Journal of Business Research, 106, 211–220.​​​​​​
  • Hakala, U., Lemmetyinen, A., & Nieminen, L. (2020) Rebranding a “rather strange, definitely unique” city via co‑creation with its residents. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. 
  • Pohjola, T., Lemmetyinen, A., & Dimitrovski, D. (2020) Value Co-creation in Dynamic Networks and E-Tourism. In: Xiang Z., Fuchs M., Gretzel U., Höpken W. (eds) (2020) Handbook of e-Tourism. Springer, Cham. DOI
  • Lemmetyinen, A. (2020) Liiketoimintaverkostot ja niiden hallinta kulttuurimatkailussa. Teoksessa: Konu, H., Pesonen, J.  & Reijonen H. (toim.) Matkailuliiketoimintaa teoriasta käytäntöön. Vastapaino, 277–304.


  • Luonila, M., Suomi, K., & Lepistö, T. (2019) Unraveling mechanisms of value co-creation in festivals. Event Management, 23(1), 41–60.
  • Tähtinen, J., & Havila, V. (2019) Conceptually Confused, but on a Field Level? A Method for Conceptual Analysis and its Application. Marketing Theory, 19(4), 533–557.
  • Lemmetyinen, A. (2019) Book review: Entrepreneurship in culture and creative industries: Perspectives from companies and regions. International Small Business Journal
  • Lepistö, T., Mäkitalo-Keinonen, T. & Valjakka, T. (2019) Opportunity recognition in a hub-governed network – insights from garage services. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 15, 257–280. 
  • Aro. K. (2019) It feels good – The bodily nature of destination brand love. A paper presented the NFF Conference, 22-24.8.2019 Vaasa, Finland


  • Aro, K., Suomi, K., & Saraniemi, S. (2018) Antecedents and consequences of destination brand love - A case study from Finnish Lapland. Tourism Management, 67, 71‒81.
  • Lepistö, T., Aaltonen, S. & Hytti, U. (2018) Co-creating strategy between independent consultants in a micro-firm context. The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Contexts. In: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research. Edward Elgar Publishing, In association with the ECSB.
  • Suomi, K. & Järvinen, R. (2018) European consumer complaint behaviour in the financial sector. Journal of Research for Consumers, 33, 38‒82.
  • Lemmetyinen, A., Nieminen, L., & Aalto, J. (2018) Who takes the lead in initiating cooperation in a cultural network and why? A case of rural Finnish destination. In: Egberts, L. & Alvarez Maria D. (eds.) Heritage and Tourism: Places, Imageries and the Digital Age. Amsterdam University Press, 95–114.


  • Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Jaakkola, E., Harrison, D. & Mäkitalo-Keinonen, T. (2017) How to manage innovation processes in extensive networks: A longitudinal study." Industrial Marketing Management, 67, 88‒105.
  • Lemmetyinen, A. (2017) Safe, secure and sustainable: attributes of a strong cruise brand.  In: Dowling, R. and Weeden, C. (Eds.), Cruise Ship Tourism, 2nd edition CABI, Oxfordshire OX10 8DE, UK.
  • Lemmetyinen, A. & Saraniemi, S. (2017) Imago ja brändi matkailussa. Teoksessa: Edelheim. J. ja Ilola, H. (toim.) Matkailututkimuksen avainkäsitteet. Publication of University of Lapland.


  • Luonila, M., Suomi, K., & Johansson M. (2016) Creating a stir: The role of word of mouth in reputation management in the context of festivals. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 16(4), 461–483.
  • Tähtinen, J., Ryan, AM. & Holmlund, M. (2016) How to develop theory and keep our jobs? The role of academic 'gatherings' in our theory development practice. Marketing Theory, 16(2), 250‒275.
  • Lemmetyinen, A., Dimitrovski, D., Nieminen, L., & Pohjola, T. (2016) Cruise destination brand awareness as a moderator in motivation-satisfaction relation. Tourism Review, 71(4), 245–258.
  • Nieminen, L. & Hytti, U. (2016) Commitment to an entrepreneurship training programme for self-employed entrepreneurs, and learning from participation. Entrepreneurship + Training, 58(7/8), 715–732.
  • Tunstall, R., Nieminen, L., Jing, L., & Hjorth, R. (2016) Out of the blue: Teaching creativity and entrepreneurship through flashmobs, in Pantelis M. Papadopoulos, Roland Burger, Ana Faria (ed.) Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education (Advances in Digital Education and Lifelong Learning), 2, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 31–56.


  • Hytti, U., Kuoppakangas, P., Suomi, K., Chapleo, C. & Giovanardi, M. (2015) Challenges in delivering brand promise – focusing on municipal healthcare organisations. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 28(3), 254‒272.
  • Ulkuniemi, P. Araujo, L. & Tähtinen, J. (2015) Purchasing as market-shaping: the case of component-based software engineering. Industrial Marketing Management, 44(1), 54‒62.
  • Vähätalo, M. & Kallio, T. J. (2015) Organizing health services through modularity. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 35(6), 925‒945.
  • Lemmetyinen, A. (2015) The coordination of cooperative cultural networks: the Case of culture Finland. In: Go, F., Lemmetyinen, A. & Hakala, U. (eds.) Harnessing Place Branding through Cultural Entrepreneurship, Palgrave McMillan.
  • Nieminen, L. & Lemmetyinen, A. (2015) A Value-creating framework for enhancing entrepreneurial learning in networks. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 9(1), 76‒91.
  • Hytti, U. & Lemmetyinen, A. (2015) Special issue editorial: Social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning in the cultural context. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy.


  • Suomi, K. (2014) Exploring the dimensions of brand reputation in higher education – a case study of a Finnish master’s degree programme. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 36(6), 646‒660.
  • Suomi, K., Kuoppakangas, P., Hytti, U., Hampden-Turner, C., and Kangaslahti, J. (2014) Focusing on dilemmas challenging reputation management in higher education. International Journal of Educational Management, 28(4), 461‒478.


  • Kuoppakangas, P., Suomi, K., and Horton, K. (2013) Reputation and Legitimacy: A Comparative View of Three Municipal Enterprises in Finland. International Journal of Public and Private Healthcare Management and Economics, 3(2), 1–17.
  • Palo, T. and Tähtinen, J. (2013) Networked business model development for emerging technology based services. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(5), 773‒782.
  • Suomi, K. and Järvinen, R. (2013) Tracing reputation risks in retailing and higher-education services. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20(2), 207–217.
  • Suomi, K., Lemmetyinen, A. and Go, Frank (2013) The tension between a distinct brand identity and harmonisation - Findings from Finnish higher education. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 9(3), 202‒215.
  • Hakala, U., Lemmetyinen, A., & Kantola, S-P. (2013) Country image as a nation-branding tool. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 31(5), 538‒556.
  • Hakala, U. & Lemmetyinen, A. (2013) 'Culture is the message': The status of Cultural Capital and its effect on a city's brand equity. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 9(1), 5‒16.
  • Lemmetyinen, A., Go, F., & Luonila, M. (2013) The relevance of cultural production - Pori Jazz - in boosting place brand equity.  Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 9(3), 164‒181.
  • Hytti, U. & Nieminen, L. (2013) Enacted experiences: analysing drama in entrepre-neurial training. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 14(2), 117–127.



New research seminars

Welcome to the NETCOD research seminars at TSEPori, UC Pori / Porin yliopistokeskus, Pohjoisranta 11 A, Pori. The language will be either Finnish or English depending on the persons present. All interested in e.g. marketing, networks, entrepreneurship, co-branding and co-creation are welcome!

Research seminars Spring 2024  

Monday 8th April at 2:00-3:30 pm, Room 3001 (& Zoom)

Tanja Lepistö: "Practice defense" for PhD thesis (20 min), in Finnish.

Jaana Tähtinen: A presentation of a IMP2024 or a NFF2024 conference paper (topic will appear later).