Contact Marketing

Mailing address
Turku School of Economics
Department of Marketing and International Business
FI-20014 University of Turku

Visiting address
Turku School of Economics
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3
FI-20500 Turku, Finland

Adjunct professors, emeritus and emerita professors

Adjunct professors

Upon application, a university may award the title of adjunct professor (dosentti in Finnish) to a person who has comprehensive knowledge of his or her field, a capacity for independent research or artistic work demonstrated through publications or some other manner, and good teaching skills. (Universities Act 558/2009).

The Adjunct professors in Marketing of the University of Turku are:

Aarikka-Stenroos, Leena
Aspara, Jaakko
Lehtinen, Jarmo R.
Lehtinen, Uolevi
Partanen, Jukka
Rindell, Anne
Tuominen, Pekka
Urrila, Matti
Uusitalo, Outi
Vuokko, Pirjo

Emeritus/Emerita professors

Mäkinen, Helena