Keyword: Faculty of Science

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

Science and Nature Attractions for the Public

The science and nature attractions of the University of Turku showcase science and the University to the general public. We promote multidisciplinary research and teaching at the University and inspire children and young people to develop an interest in science.

Kaisa Matomäki Receives New Horizons in Mathematics Prize


Academy Research Fellow Kaisa Matomäki from the University of Turku receives the New Horizons in Mathematics Prize as a recognition for her fundamental scientific breakthroughs with prime numbers. The New Horizons Prize is $100,000 and Matomäki shares the prize with Professor Maksym Radziwill from the California Institute of Technology.

Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research (3-4 yrs)

Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research aims to promote high quality clinical research and supports doctoral training in clinical medicine and other closely related research areas. One important goal

First Salomaa Prize Awarded to Dr Jean-Eric Pin


The first Salomaa Prize was awarded to Dr Jean-Eric Pin from Paris. The award ceremonies took place in the annual Developments in Language Theory Symposium (DLT conference for short) in Tokyo on 13 September.

​The Prize-winning mathematician Jean-Eric Pin (centre) at the award ceremony alongside award committee members Mikhail Volkov and Juhani Karhumäki.

Researchers Managed to Prevent the Disappearing of Quantum Information


The properties of quantum mechanics can be utilised, for example, in technology and encrypting messages, but the disadvantage is the occasional disappearing of information. For the first time, a research group consisting of Finnish and Chinese scientists has found a way to fully control the information escaping the qubit.

Shared Lifetime of Grandmothers and Grandchildren Significantly Increased Since 1800s


The importance of grandmothers in the lives of their grandchildren has changed. The shared lifetime between grandmothers and their grandchildren has a fundamental effect on how grandparents and grandchildren influence each other. A study conducted by biologists at the University of Turku, based on Finnish parish registers, indicates that, in this agrarian society, the shared lifetime of grandchildren and their grandmothers was short.