Keyword: Sociology

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Class Background Reflects on the Abundance of Social Relationships and level of subjective well-being in Finland (Doctoral defence: MA Minna Tuominen, 29.11.2024, Sociology)

Social relationships are formed unequally according to class background even in relatively egalitarian Finland, as shown in Minna Tuominen's doctoral research. Particularly trust, which is strongly linked to well-being, varies by social class, accumulating more among the highly educated and better-off classes. Especially vulnerable are those in lower education and income groups, as well as immigrants, who often rely on relatively fewer social relationships.

INVEST Received Flagship Funding for a Second Term


The Academy of Finland has granted a continued funding of over 9 million euros to the Inequalities, Interventions and New Welfare State Flagship INVEST. The funding period extends until 2026. The international review panel which completed a mid-term review of the Flagship found its activities excellent and very successful while also considering its plans for the future promising.

The negative effects of the corona crisis on learning, education and well-being among children and adolescents can be reduced to a minimum.


The corona crisis affects the well-being, learning and education of children and adolescents in many different ways. It is likely that in most children, the long-term disadvantages of the corona crisis are related to the economic and social impacts on families with children. However, it is possible to minimise the detrimental effects on their well-being. For example, the negative effects of parental unemployment on children's education are most effectively reduced by preventing unemployment itself.

INVEST: Missing Pieces of Welfare State


The Finnish welfare system is a success story enjoying global admiration. However, there is one central deficit in the current welfare system: it does not sufficiently help families with accumulated disadvantages. The goal of the INVEST project’s researchers is to build a Welfare State 2.0 in which disadvantages are tackled with targeted interventions.

Research in Sociology

Research co-operation is carried out in international joint projects, national research projects and in informal research networks between researchers. Our key focus areas include in particular social classes, education and income differentials and their inheritance, population, families and immigration, marginalisation, housing, health, gender differences, power, political activity and social movements.