Keyword: InFLAMES

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

Researchers discovered promising approach to prevent recurrence of breast cancer


Treatment outcomes for breast cancer have become better over the years, but proportion of breast cancers still recur even after long periods without signs of cancer remaining dormant in the body. Finnish cancer researchers discovered a mechanism that wakes up these dormant breast cancer cells and demonstrated that preventing the mechanism can significantly improve treatment outcomes in experimental models. 

Sirpa and Markku Jalkanen nominated for the European Inventor Award


Academician and Director of InFLAMES Flagship Sirpa Jalkanen and Dr. Markku Jalkanen have been nominated for the European Inventor Award. They are finalists in the Small and medium enterprises category, where they are against two other European teams. They were selected from among more than 550 candidates in a competition organised by the European Patent Office (EPO). The winners of the European Inventor Award 2024 will be announced on 9 July 2024 in Malta.

InFLAMES Flagship granted continued funding – first instalment €6.5 million


The joint InFlames Research Flagship of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University received €6.5 million in continued funding from the Research Council of Finland for 2024–2026. It is the first instalment of the continued funding as the Research Council has announced that it is prepared to fund the Flagship with altogether €10.4 million by summer 2028.