Keyword: Competitions and awards

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Sirpa and Markku Jalkanen nominated for the European Inventor Award


Academician and Director of InFLAMES Flagship Sirpa Jalkanen and Dr. Markku Jalkanen have been nominated for the European Inventor Award. They are finalists in the Small and medium enterprises category, where they are against two other European teams. They were selected from among more than 550 candidates in a competition organised by the European Patent Office (EPO). The winners of the European Inventor Award 2024 will be announced on 9 July 2024 in Malta.

Students Solved Real-Life Challenges on Design Thinking Course – Winning Team’s Solution Addressed Drug Waste in Hospitals


A project funded by the Nordplus programme, Design thinking in health technology education – Design Future Health – GREAT received continuation to the course held online last spring as the week-long intensive course GREAT Design Thinking was finished successfully. To finish off the week, the students had the opportunity to present their own, design-thinking based solutions to real-life challenges.

Team Aboa from Turku Aims High in iGEM Top Competition on Synthetic Biology


For the first time, the University of Turku participates in the international iGEM Competition on synthetic biology this year. Consisting of students from the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University, the team Aboa’s goal is to improve tests that are based on antibodies and to succeed in the high-level competition.