Keyword: INVEST

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Vitamin D Deficiency during Pregnancy Connected to Elevated Risk of ADHD


According to a study conducted in Finland, the risk of ADHD was 34 percent higher in children whose mother had a vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy than in those children whose mother’s vitamin D level was sufficient during the first and second trimesters. The result was adjusted for maternal age, socioeconomic status and psychiatric history. The study was done in collaboration between researchers from the University of Turku, Finland, and Columbia University, New York.

Professorship of Implementation Research Donated to University of Turku by Itla Children’s Foundation


The Itla Children’s Foundation donates two professorships, one to the University of Turku and the other to the University of Oulu. The research field of the donated professorships is intervention and implementation research. The professorships are unique in the research of children’s well-being in Finland and are also globally significant.

INVEST: Welfare Research Aims to Affect Policy Making


The Finnish welfare system is a success story enjoying global admiration. However, there is one central deficit in the current welfare system: it does not sufficiently help families with accumulated disadvantages. The goal of the INVEST project’s researchers is to build a Welfare State 2.0 in which disadvantages are tackled with targeted interventions.

INVEST: Intervening in Mental Health Issues Already Before Birth


The Finnish welfare system is a success story enjoying global admiration. However, there is one central deficit in the current welfare system: it does not sufficiently help families with accumulated disadvantages. The goal of the INVEST project’s researchers is to build a Welfare State 2.0 in which disadvantages are tackled with targeted interventions.

Increasing Number of Adolescents Receive Depression Diagnosis


The proportion of young people in Finland diagnosed with depression in specialised services is increasing, showed a study based on an extensive set of national data. An increasing number of adolescents seek and get help, but the increase in service use burdens specialised services. The study was conducted by the Research Centre for Child Psychiatry at the University of Turku.

Bullying between Adolescents Reduced after Kiva Antibullying Program: Netiquette and Mental Health Support Needed in Interventions


Bullying experienced by 13–16-year-old pupils reduced clearly when schools invested in antibullying interventions. Researchers suggest that rooting out cyberbullying has to be more effective and new methods for supporting and strengthening the mental well-being of bullied adolescents have to be introduced. The study published by the Research Centre for Child Psychiatry of the University of Turku was based on reports from Finnish adolescents in 2008 and 2014.

INVEST: Missing Pieces of Welfare State


The Finnish welfare system is a success story enjoying global admiration. However, there is one central deficit in the current welfare system: it does not sufficiently help families with accumulated disadvantages. The goal of the INVEST project’s researchers is to build a Welfare State 2.0 in which disadvantages are tackled with targeted interventions.