Keyword: child psychiatry

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Health through Research: Child Psychiatry Explores Early Interventions


In Turku, child psychiatry recognises the inseparable connection between the psychological well-being of children and society. Factors such as the COVID pandemic, war, and migration have a significant impact on the mental health of children and adolescents. In addition to conducting cutting-edge research, Turku is actively developing means to make an impact on psychological well-being from an early stage within primary health care, starting from maternity clinics.

INVEST is the first Finnish Flagship to get an external assessment


Research Flagship Centre INVEST is commissioning an international external assessment of its activities and future options as the first Finnish Flagship. The assessment will help INVEST and its host organisations to decide on the future of its activities after the end of the current flagship period. 

Mental Health Service Use for Children and Young People Were Reduced Over a Fourth in the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic


A recently published extensive systematic review showed a 28% reduction in mental health service use in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic among children and young people. Reductions were mainly recorded for ED visit due to mental health issues for which the services reduced on average by 40%.

Psychiatric Disorders in Teenage Years Associated with Social Exclusion in Later Life


Adolescents who had received a mental health disorder diagnosis were often excluded from the labour market and education as young adults. This particularly applied to adolescents who had been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder or psychosis. The results were found out in a birth cohort study of people born in Finland in 1987. The study was published on 5 October in British Journal of Psychiatry.