Keyword: Event

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Flavoria Innovation Festival Kick off


13.11.2023 at 11.00 - 12.30
(English below) Flavoria Innovation Festival -kick off 13.11.2023 klo 11.00–12.00 Tervetuloa kaikille avoimeen Flavoria Innovation Festivalin avajaistilaisuuteen, jossa esitellään tämän vuoden yrityshaasteet ja kuullaan inspiroivat puheenvuorot innovaatioista ja yrittäjyydestä sekä kestävästä...

World Bioethics Day: Protecting future generations


27.10.2023 at 12.00 - 15.45
12.00–12.15 Opening Words and An Award to an Active Member of the Unit, Susanne Uusitalo, International Chair in Bioethics, Unit Finland 12.15–13.15 Trading Off Lives and Livelihoods, Greg Bognar (Stockholm University, Sweden) 13.15– 13.35 Coffee break 13.35–14.35 Re-Framing the Unit of Analysis in...

University in Future - UTU2.0


14.11.2023 at 12.30 - 15.30
Research-based knowledge is the ground for decision-making. Would you like to know how scientific results are used nationally and internationally for science influening? For what else scientific results are used for? What are the strengths of University of Turku and how to improve them, to do even...

Thematic Event on Health Data Analytics


16.11.2023 at 13.00 - 16.00
At which point are we today in developing synthetic health data? What should all health professionals know about synthetic data? PRIVASA project and Health Campus Turku jointly organize an on-site event with a series of talks on the current trends in health data analytics, especially the emerging...

Author Shen Yang talks about translation of her book More than one child


28.9.2023 at 12.00 - 18.00
The author Shen Yang will visit Finland in connection with the Finnish publication of her book More than one child (Into 2023). The Finland-China Society organizes two events in cooperation with the universities of Turku and Helsinki, author Shen Yang and translator Rauno Sainio discuss the book and...

Meet the new TIAS Fellows II


27.9.2023 at 15.00 - 16.00
Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) is delighted to invite you to meet our 8 new Turku Intersectional Excellence Scheme (TIES) Fellows at 2 online meetings on 20 and 27 September, 15.00-16.00. Join us to hear the range of topics which our Fellows will address.