Keyword: Webinar

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SusFlow syyswebinaari – vastuullisuustieto virtaamaan!


27.9.2024 at 9.00 - 11.00
Tervetuloa kestävää kehitystä ja vastuullisuutta laivanrakennuksessa tutkivan SusFlow-hankkeen (Sustainability through Information Flows) webinaariin. Webinaarin aiheina vastuullisuuden peruskäsitteet ja ympäristövastuullisuuden elinkaariarviointi (LCA), SusFlow-projektissa kehitetty verkosto-LCA...

Aboa Tech Talks webinar


22.5.2024 at 9.00 - 11.00
The universities in Turku launched in autumn 2021 a joint webinar series focusing on technology and sustainable development. Aboa Tech Talks will highlight new technologies and innovative technological research that can offer solutions to the complex global challenges of our time. The eleventh Aboa...

Location Europe -platform for European data users


20.3.2024 at 13.00 - 13.45
Webinar 20.3.2024 at 13.00-13.45 (UTC+2) Welcome to the webinar to hear how to use the Location Europe -platforms cross-border services and interfaces. This novel test-before-invest environment offers many opportunities for data users, for example to develop green deal-related business such as smart...

The Role of Clinical Training in Preparing Law Students for Practice


20.3.2024 at 16.00 - 17.40
Are you interested in discovering innovative approaches to strengthen students’ practical skills? Have you heard of the concept of clinical education? Would you like to gain insights and tips on seamlessly connecting theoretical learning with practice? Join us as we explore the role and...

Healthcare Revolution powered by AI


12.2.2024 at 17.00 - 18.00
Join our upcoming webinar on AI in Health! The webinar will focus on recent AI innovations and their application in the healthcare sector, highlighting the benefits of collaboration between researchers and industry. Panelists: • Dr. Marwa Ibrahim (Tallinn University, Expert of STEM Capacity Building...

Restart Webinar: Design your studies towards a meaningful career


27.2.2024 at 15.00 - 16.00
February 27th at 15-16 Design your studies towards a meaningful career? Oscar Nyman, Career coach, Expert of career monitoring??, UTU Career Services About the Restart webinars: Come and listen to experts on current study topics and jump into university studies! The webinars are suitable for both...

Restart Webinar: Efficient Study Techniques and the myths of learning


16.1.2024 at 15.00 - 16.00
January 16th at 15-16 Efficient Study Techniques and the myths of learning Johanna Kaakinen, ?Associate Professor, Psychology, UTU About the Restart webinars: Come and listen to experts on current study topics and jump into university studies! The webinars are suitable for both first-year students...