Keyword: Event

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How plants have evolved to live on Earth – Botanical tour


10.5.2025 at 13.00 - 14.30
A short botanical tour that will guide you through some of the fascinating stories of the life of plants. We totally rely on plants for our survival, not just for all our food, but a livable planet, and a breathable atmosphere itself. Did you know that more than 400,000 different plants are found...

How plants have evolved to live on Earth – Botanical tour


12.4.2025 at 13.00 - 14.30
A short botanical tour that will guide you through some of the fascinating stories of the life of plants. We totally rely on plants for our survival, not just for all our food, but a livable planet, and a breathable atmosphere itself. Did you know that more than 400,000 different plants are found...

Kick-off Event for Multidisciplinary Themes


13.3.2025 at 8.30 - 11.00
The University of Turku multidisciplinary themes bring together researchers and experts from various fields to foster collaboration and new ideas. Now, the themes will present their upcoming activities on 13 March. Come along! Due to catering arrangements, please register at latest 9 March 2025...

Haku opiskelijatuutoriksi 1.-28.2.2025


1.2.2025 at 0.00 - 28.2.2025 at 23.59
Hae tuutoriksi uusille opiskelijoille helmikuun aikana! Opiskelijatuutoreita haetaan lukuvuonna 2025-2026 opinnot aloittaville kotimaisille ja kansainvälisille tutkinto-opiskelijoille ja vaihto-opiskelijoille. Tuutoriksi toivotaan kaikenlaisia tyyppejä ja erilaisia opiskelutaustoja omaavia Turun...