Keyword: Event

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Aboagora 2024: Mars, the Bringer of War


28.8.2024 at 9.00 - 30.8.2024 at 19.00
The science and art event Aboagora’s theme in 2024 is Mars, the Bringer of War. The three-day event will be held for the 14th time at the Sibelius Museum in Turku 28–30 August 2024. Aboagora’s ethos is that solving the pressing problems of our time requires not only an interdisciplinary approach...

Kemian kevät 24


23.4.2024 at 8.30 - 26.4.2024 at 15.00
Turun yliopiston Kemian laitoksen Kemian kevät 24 järjestetään 23.-26.4. teemalla Huominen horisontissa. Tänä vuonna esiintyjämäärä on ennätyssuuri ja LuK- ja FM-opintojaan päättävien opiskelijoiden esitelmiä kuullaankin neljän päivän ajan Päärakennuksen Tauno Nurmela -salissa (Luentosali I). FM...

InFLAMES Corporate Corner – Network and Succeed


22.5.2024 at 11.30 - 19.00
Welcome to InFLAMES Corporate Corner – Network and succeed on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. The event is held in the Cave theater of Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki, Lemminkäisenkatu 12 B. The event starts with a lunch at 11:30, followed by the official program and culminating with a networking...

ImmuDocs Seminar: What everybody should know?


19.3.2024 at 15.00 - 21.00
You are warmly invited to listen to the presentations of the immunologists of the Finnish universities and to learn what everyone should know about the ImmuDocs Doctoral Education Pilot. The seminar is open for everyone. The event is hosted by InFLAMES Flagship and Turku Immunology Centre. Time...

Workshop: Create & Innovate


4.4.2024 at 14.00 - 16.00
(English below.) Tervetuloa mukaan innostavaan tapahtumaan, joka kutsuu kaikki opiskelijat, yrittäjyydestä kiinnostuneet ja intohimoiset innovaattorit mukaan! Haluamme kuulla juuri sinun ideasi ja tarjota tilaisuuden pitchata se lyhyesti tapahtumassa. Meillä on paikalla kokeneita mentoreita...

WiseFood Project presents: Morning Coffee Event - Circular Economy


26.3.2024 at 9.00 - 10.30
Morning Coffee Event open for everyone on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, from 9:00 to 10:30. This time, the theme is circular economy, and we will hear presentations related to the topic from two companies, ResQ Club and Lapin Maria, and also Boost Turku's Start-up Journey will be introduced, which is...