Keyword: Event

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Flavoria-ruokalinjaston testaus


22.3.2024 at 10.30 - 11.30
Dining Flow hanke tarjoaa 20 vapaaehtoiselle testaajalle mahdollisuuden testata Flavoria-ruokalinjastoa (Flavoria, Medisiina D, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, 20520 Turku) 22.3.2024 klo 10:30-11:30. Samalla päivämäärällä järjestämme tapahtuman Kekseliästä innovointia yhdessä: Ravintoloiden ruoka- ja...

Flavoria food line testing


22.3.2024 at 10.30 - 11.30
Dining Flow project offers an opportunity for 20 volunteer testers to test the Flavoria food line (Flavoria®, Medisiina D, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, 20520 Turku) 22 March 2024, at 10.30-11.30am. On the same date we have a seminar Cleverly innovating together: Reducing food and energy waste in restaurants...

Big Open Science Day


5.3.2024 at 9.00 - 17.00
This day is open to students and researchers from all levels from the University of Turku, Åbo Academy, as well as to people working in practice. We have a great program with inspiring international and local speakers and an engaging interactive workshop in store for you! Topics that will be covered...

EC2U Makeathon


6.5.2024 at 15.00 - 7.5.2024 at 18.00
A Makeathon is an engaging and interactive event that brings together participants to collaboratively develop creative solutions within a designated time frame. The primary goal of our Makeathon is to highlight the innovative ability of both the European Alliance and the individual universities and...

Pop-up CV-klinikka / CV-clinic


15.2.2024 at 10.00 - 11.00
(in English below) Tervetuloa Rekryn pop-up CV-klinikalle Agoran 1. kerroksen aulaan! CV-klinikalla saat henkilökohtaista palautetta omasta CV:stä, hakemuksesta tai Linkedin-profiilista. Ehdimme käydä läpi yhden näistä. Pop-up CV-klinikalle ei tarvitse varata aikaa, mutta varaudu jonottamaan hetki...

Pop-up CV-klinikka / CV-clinic


25.1.2024 at 12.30 - 13.30
(in English below) Tervetuloa Rekryn pop-up CV-klinikalle Päärakennuksen pohjakerrokseen! CV-klinikalla saat henkilökohtaista palautetta omasta CV:stä, hakemuksesta tai Linkedin-profiilista. Ehdimme käydä läpi yhden näistä. Pop-up CV-klinikalle ei tarvitse varata aikaa, mutta varaudu jonottamaan...

Side event: Tasting at Sensory laboratory


23.1.2024 at 10.00 - 13.30
Welcome to visit the new Sensory laboratory at Medisiina C, and participate in a Tasting, a side event of Functional Foods Forum's Re-Launch Seminar. This session offers participants the opportunity to get to know what sensory evaluation is all about. There are seven sessions to choose from. Book...

Morning Coffee Session - AI


2.2.2024 at 9.00 - 10.30
Welcome to join the first morning coffee event of the Wisefood project, where the topic will be artificial intelligence. The morning coffee event is open to everyone, but we especially welcome students and researchers. At the heart of the event is the establishment of your own company in the realm...