Keyword: Child Psychiatry

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Research Centre for Child Psychiatry

Research Centre for Child Psychiatry focuses on research of the pre- and perinatal factors in the development of mental health disturbances in childhood and adulthood as well as finding keys to the development of selective interventions focused on children at risk. We aim at transferring knowledge from epidemiological risk studies into intervention studies.

INVEST: Intervening in Mental Health Issues Already Before Birth


The Finnish welfare system is a success story enjoying global admiration. However, there is one central deficit in the current welfare system: it does not sufficiently help families with accumulated disadvantages. The goal of the INVEST project’s researchers is to build a Welfare State 2.0 in which disadvantages are tackled with targeted interventions.

Increasing Number of Adolescents Receive Depression Diagnosis


The proportion of young people in Finland diagnosed with depression in specialised services is increasing, showed a study based on an extensive set of national data. An increasing number of adolescents seek and get help, but the increase in service use burdens specialised services. The study was conducted by the Research Centre for Child Psychiatry at the University of Turku.

Web-based Parent Training Intervention for Childhood Disruptive Behaviour Successful in Primary Health Care


A programme developed for the early detection of children’s disruptive behaviour and low-threshold digital parent training intervention was successfully transferred to child health clinics in primary health care, shows a new Finnish study. In addition, the programme’s low discontinuation rate implies that parents experienced digitally implemented intervention as both user-friendly and easily accessible.

Child Psychiatry

The Department of Child Psychiatry at the University of Turku is closely linked with the Clinic of Child Psychiatry at Turku University Hospital, which is one of the oldest clinical child psychiatry facilities in Finland. 

Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy Increases Risk of ADHD among Offspring up to 3-fold


The higher the cotinine levels were in the mother’s blood during pregnancy, the greater was the child’s risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) later in life, showed an epidemiological study conducted by the Research Centre for Child Psychiatry at the University of Turku. Globally, it is the first study in which the connection between fetal nicotine exposure and diagnosis of ADHD was shown by measuring cotinine levels from pregnant maternal serum specimens.