Keyword: bullying

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

Large trial in United Kingdom indicates: KiVa antibullying programme effectively reduces bullying in primary schools


The largest trial of its kind in the United Kingdom has shown how a low-cost, structured, anti-bullying programme KiVa can improve social dynamics in primary schools and reduce victimisation. Judy Hutchings identifies as KiVa’s strength its way of targeting the whole school and stripping bullies of the social reward.

New research examined the connection between bullying and suicide attempts among adolescent – Victims of both cyberbullying and traditional bullying had the highest risk of suicide attempt

Yuko Mori conducted a large international school survey for her doctoral dissertation in child psychiatry. The research showed that around 5% of young people had attempted suicide. Students who had been victims of both cyberbullying and traditional bullying were the most likely to have attempted suicide. The survey also found that around a third of young people feel unsafe at school and that young people rarely seek professional help for their mental health problems.