Department of Teacher Education (Rauma)
Areas of expertise
Learning research
mathematical learning
edicational technology
expertise research
Dr Erno Lehtinen is a professor (emeritus) of education at the University of Turku and visiting professor at the Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania. He has worked as a teacher and researcher in several universities in Finland, other European countries and USA, and has published more than 300 scientific publications. His research has focused on development of mathematical thinking, educational technology and new forms of expertise in rapidly changing working life. Professor Lehtinen was the Vice-Rector of the University of Turku 2003-2010 and Academy Professor (distinguished research professorship by the Academy of Finland) 2010-2014. He was awarded the honorary doctorate from the Gothenburg University (2008) and Oeuvre Award of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (2009).
Ongoing research projects:Growing Mind ( ) research consortium. Strategic Research Council, Academy of FinlandEnhancing Adaptive Rational Number Knowledge. Academy of Finland
Teachers' Professional Vision
Number Navigation Game, Enhancing Adaptive Natural Number Knowledge
Teachers' Professional Vision
Number Navigation Game, Enhancing Adaptive Natural Number Knowledge
The development of situational interest during a digital mathematics game (2018)
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))
Early developmental trajectories towards the concept of rational numbers (2017)
Cognition and Instruction
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Asiantuntijuuden kehittyminen ja tieteenalan jäseneksi kasvaminen (2017)
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli kokoomateoksessa (A3))Effects of eye movement modeling examples on adaptive expertise in medical image diagnosis (2017)
Computers and Education
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Cultivating mathematical skills: from drill-and-practice to deliberate practice (2017)
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))
Adaptive number knowledge and its relation to arithmetic and pre-algebra knowledge (2017)
Learning and Instruction
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Voluntary vs Compulsory Playing Contexts: Motivational, Cognitive, and Game Experience Effects (2017)
Simulation and Gaming
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The return of behaviourist epistemology: A review of learning outcomes studies (2017)
Educational Research Review
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Spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations as a predictor of rational number and algebra knowledge (2017)
Contemporary Educational Psychology
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