Keyword: Press release

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New Study Helps to Understand Human Defence Mechanisms and Spread of Cancer


With the help of new technology, the researchers of the University of Turku have gained more detailed information on the diversity of the human lymphatic system than before. The research results can help to understand the human defence mechanisms on the molecular level even better than before. Several cancers, such as breast cancer and head and neck cancers, spread primarily via the lymphatic system.

Sisters improve chances of reproduction in Asian elephants


Researchers at the University of Turku found that the presence of a maternal sister was positively and significantly associated with annual female reproduction in a population of working elephants in Myanmar. In addition, an age-specific effect was found: young females were more sensitive to the presence of sisters and even more likely to reproduce when living near a sister.

University of Turku to Expand Master of Science Education to Mechanical Engineering and Material Technology – a Sustainable Solution for Expert Shortage


The Ministry of Education and Culture has authorised the University of Turku to expand its technology education. The University will widen its educational range by adding Master’s Degree Programmes in Mechanical Engineering and Material Technology to its pre-existing Degree Programmes in Biotechnology and Information Technology. In addition, the University of Turku was granted educational responsibility in the Chinese language.

Sedentary Time Increases After Retirement – Especially in Women


The FIREA study, conducted at the University of Turku, revealed that the amount of sitting time increased in women after the transition to retirement. A similar change was not discovered in men. However, men did spend significantly more time sitting down than women, both during working life and retirement. Spending prolonged time periods sedentary, i.e. sitting down, lying or reclining during waking hours is harmful to health.

University of Turku to Join an International Quantum Community – the IBM Q Network Promotes Quantum Technological Change in Research and Business Co-operation


The Turku Quantum Technology research team has joined the international IBM Q Network as part of the Centre of Excellence in Quantum Technology of the Academy of Finland. The aim of the network is to promote the development of quantum computers and to create new applications based on quantum technology. The European universities included in the network were announced at the World Conference of Science Journalists held in Lausanne on 3 July 2019.

Perceived Threats to Family Increases Women’s Willingness to Sacrifice During War


Researchers at the Universities of Turku and Helsinki found that women were more likely to volunteer for all-female paramilitary organizations if they had brothers or husbands who were currently serving in the military.  This result suggests that bonding with larger and frequently imagined communities, such as the nation state or religious groups, can arise from psychology mechanisms designed by evolution to increase cooperation among close relatives.

Gut Microbes Associated with Temperament Traits in Children


Scientists in the FinnBrain research project of the University of Turku discovered that the gut microbes of a 2.5-month-old infant are associated with the temperament traits manifested at six months of age. Temperament describes individual differences in expressing and regulating emotions in infants, and the study provides new information on the association between behaviour and microbes. A corresponding study has never been conducted on infants so young or in the same scale.