TIME        24.5.2023 at 09.00-14.30
PLACE      Presidentti auditorium, BioCity,
                   Tykistökatu 6, 20520 Turku

This IAP event introduces Mechanical Engineering at the University of Turku and invites collaborators to learn about our degree programmes, the research we do, and our vision for the research infrastructure and how it could serve the local industry. This event is an opportunity to influence the direction of the department — join us in a shared mission of strengthening the mechanical engineering community in Turku.

Our mechanical engineering has three focus areas: Smart Systems, Digital Design and Digital Manufacturing; and additionally two new emerging fields: Computational Engineering and Electric Drives. We are seeking a dialog on the industry’s needs and interests as we are building our curricula, infrastructure and research expertise.

Sign up for the event by 16.5.2023

UTU TECH Industry Affiliates Programme:
Technology Industry

09.00-09.15 Opening words
  • Prof. Jussi Kantola, Head of Department

09.15-09.45 Scientific presentation: Engineering the surfaces for sustainable industries
  • Prof. Ashish Ganvir

09.45-10.10 Industry Collaboration
  • Prof. Sampsa Laakso

10.10-10.30 Industry-Student Collaboration
  • Student organisations Machina, Adamas & Warsinais-Suomen Polyteknikot
10.30- 11.00 Coffee
11.00–11.30 UTU Mechanical Engineering Infrastructure Vision
  • Prof. Antti Salminen
11.30-12.00 Workshops:
  • Degree Programme Industrial Advisory Board
  • Mapping the Needs for Mechanical Engineering Research Infrastructure and Services
  • Visiting Lectures, Student Projects, Excursions and Theses
12.00-12.30 Scientific presentation: High-performance computing, data-driven and machine learning methods for computational fluid dynamics simulation of hydrogen engines
  • Prof. Armin Wehrfritz
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.30 Tour of Machine Technology Center

Workshop tracks

Degree Programme Industrial Advisory Board

This workshop looks for best practices and collaboration methods for industrial partners to give feedback and share insights on engineering competencies valued by industry. It will also seek to form an Industrial Advisory Board. We hope the board will begin its work swiftly, so that it can influence the design of the Fall 2023 Mechanical Engineering Bachelor’s curriculum.

Mapping the Needs for Mechanical Engineering Research Infrastructure and Services

We develop our mechanical engineering research infrastructure to support our core research needs but also to be valuable for the local industries. This workshop identifies the demand for services, testing, instrumentation and prototyping requirements in the area.

Visiting Lectures, Student Projects, Excursions and Theses

We want to introduce our mechanical engineering students to our industry partners early on in their studies. The presence of industry is integral throughout the studies in the form of visiting lectures, student projects, excursions and theses done to industry. This workshop identifies the best practices for industry collaboration in teaching and for industrial partners to engage with students.