Asiasana: Seminaari

Tämä sivu kokoaa asiasanaan liittyviä sisältöjä.

Economics Research Seminar


6.6.2023 klo 16.00 - 17.00
Topic: Mental Health Effects of Cancer in the Family: A Nationwide Register-based Study Speaker: UTU Henri Salokangas Economics research seminars are held every Tuesday at 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm. Seminar sessions are open to anyone interested.

Economics Research Seminar


30.5.2023 klo 16.00 - 17.00
Topic: Firm productivity and immigrant-native earnings disparity Speaker: VATT Christina Bratu Economics research seminars are held every Tuesday at 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm. Seminar sessions are open to anyone interested.



24.8.2023 klo 8.30 - 25.8.2023 klo 16.00
32nd BioCity Symposium: Sculpting Tissues – cells, matrix and forces 24–25 August 2023 Mauno Koivisto Centre, BioCity, Turku The 32nd BioCity Symposium will explore the mechanisms regulating tissue architecture and homeostasis in biological organisms. This complex and dynamic “sculpting” process is...

Economics Research Seminar


13.6.2023 klo 16.00 - 17.00
Topic: Some Inference Perils of Imposing a Taylor Rule Speaker: University College London Franck Portier Economics research seminars are held every Tuesday at 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm. Seminar sessions are open to anyone interested.

The 2nd Annual Science Day of the Faculty of Science


14.12.2023 klo 12.00 - 16.15
This half-day seminar will give a good glimpse of the timely research done in all six units of our faculty. You will have the opportunity to hear more of the research highlights of biology, chemistry, geography and geology, physics, biodiversity, and mathematics and statistics. Time: 14.12.2023 at...

Potentiaali-hankkeen loppuseminaari (Oodi, Helsinki & hybridi-tilaisuus)


25.5.2022 klo 9.00 - 12.00
Toimintamalleja, sovelluksia, videoita, harjoituksia ja menetelmiä – unohtamatta innokasta ja idearikasta yhteistyötä eri oppilaitosten ja toimijoiden välillä. Näistä kaikista muodostuu Potentiaali-hankkeen kolmevuotinen taival sukupuoli- ja kulttuuritietoisen ohjauksen parissa. Loppuseminaarissa...

BioCity Student Symposium 2022


24.8.2022 klo 8.30 - 16.00
This year BioCity Student Symposium titled Students are the Solution is arranged on-site by PhD researchers from University of Turku and Abo Akademi University together with BioCity Turku and InFLAMES Flagship in Cave theatre - Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki, 24th August 2022. The program...