Asiasana: Kongressi

Tämä sivu kokoaa asiasanaan liittyviä sisältöjä.

ITiCSE 2023 conference in University of Turku


7.7.2023 klo 9.00 - 12.7.2023 klo 16.00
Welcome to the 28th annual ACM conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE). ITiCSE conference is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Computing Education (SIGCSE), in collaboration with the ACM Europe Council, and Informatics Europe. ITiCSE 2023 will take...

15th Legal Research Network Conference


7.9.2023 klo 10.00 - 8.9.2023 klo 15.00
The University of Turku, Faculty of Law is happy to host and organize the 2023 LRN post-graduate conference on 7 and 8 September in Turku, Finland. The conference is aimed be organized in-person only. The Registration is open until Sunday 20 August 2023. See Legal Research Network webpage



24.8.2023 klo 8.30 - 25.8.2023 klo 16.00
32nd BioCity Symposium: Sculpting Tissues – cells, matrix and forces 24–25 August 2023 Mauno Koivisto Centre, BioCity, Turku The 32nd BioCity Symposium will explore the mechanisms regulating tissue architecture and homeostasis in biological organisms. This complex and dynamic “sculpting” process is...

Second Nordic Conference on Personalized Medicine


14.6.2023 klo 8.00 - 16.6.2023 klo 13.15
The Finnish Society of Clinical Pharmacology arranges the second Nordic Conference on Personalized Medicine (NORPM2023) in Turku, Finland, from 14th to 16th June 2023. This three-day conference will bring together outstanding Nordic and international scientists to promote research and implementation...

Out of the USSR: Travelling Women, Travelling Memories


2.2.2023 klo 9.00 - 3.2.2023 klo 19.00
The conference is organised by the research project Texts on the Move: Reception of Women’s Writing in Finland and Russia 1840–2020 (Emil Aaltonen Foundation). Find more information on the project website:

WORK2023-konferenssi - Digitaalinen kapitalismi: riskit ja mahdollisuudet


23.8.2023 klo 8.00 - 25.8.2023 klo 16.30
Monitieteinen kansainvälinen työn ja työelämän tutkimuksen WORK2023-konferenssi järjestetään Turussa hybridinä 23.-25.8.2023. Vuoden 2023 konferenssin teema Digitaalinen kapitalismi: riskit ja mahdollisuudet käsittelee useimpien laajojen yhteiskunnallis-taloudellisten ja työtä koskevien muutosten...

Planetary Futures of Health and Wellbeing (hybrid conference)


15.6.2022 klo 12.00 - 17.6.2022 klo 18.00
Welcome to the 22nd Futures Conference organised by Finland Futures Research Centre and Finland Futures Academy, University of Turku! Futures Conference 2022 focuses on the wide variety of ways people imagine planetary futures to inform their ambitions to produce general health and wellbeing in our...