TSE exe:n modulaarinen ohjelmarakenne tuo joustavia mahdollisuuksia orgasaation liiketoiminnan ja osallistujan johtamisosaamisen kehittämiseen
Teemoitetut ohjelmamoduulit koostuvat moduulikohtaisesta teemasta, siihen kytketyistä sisällöistä ja kehittämistehtävästä. Näin osallistuja syventää ymmärrystään moduulin teemoista ja soveltaa oppimaansa suoraan organisaationsa hyödyksi sekä henkilökohtaiseen ja ammatilliseen kehittymiseensä.
Global Strategic Management -program
After the program, the participants have better competence to manage and develop business in a complex environment.
The program deepens the knowledge on global markets, international business and various strategies, cultural differences and working with diversity in virtual teams.
During the process, participant has an unique opportunity to experience and reflect on what leadership is in a global context and how they work in virtual teams as leaders.
- Leading the Firm in the Global Dynamic Business Environment
- Managing Across Cultures and Interactive Skills
- Strategizing in Global Virtual Teams
- Leading Successful Organisations for the Future
- Program based assignment
- Study Journey or International Study week (not included into module price, invoiced separately)
International Study Weeks deepen the participant’s understanding of the complexity of the global business environment.
The program based assignment requires the participant to take part in a ‘living lab’ facility during October and November. Participants will be assigned to lead a global virtual team with members scattered around the globe solving International Business Strategy cases. Strategizing in Global Virtual Teams session are reserved to prepare for that and to get ready for this exciting opportunity to gain major insights into strategizing processes and to develop diverse professional competencies and transferable skills in the process.